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I am learning python , i use Vs code as my IDE, i am have some very strange and annoying errors.


when i import modules
import telegram
i get error
"telegram" is not accessed Pylance invalid syntaxMypysyntax (module) telegram
on my files, which is very annoying. I have write import telegram #type:ignore for the error to go away.

when i also write

    async def hello(self, update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
        await, text="Hello, my name is MAS.")

i get this error on

 Item "None" of "Optional[Chat]" has no attribute "id"Mypyunion-attr
 Item "None" of "Optional[Chat]" has no attribute "id"Mypyunion-attr
 Item "None" of "Optional[Chat]" has no attribute "id"Mypyunion-attr
 Item "None" of "Optional[Chat]" has no attribute "id"Mypyunion-attr
 Item "None" of "Optional[Chat]" has no attribute "id"Mypyunion-attr
 (property) effective_chat: Chat | None 


Even with these errors i runs the files perfectly without any issues, i don’t why vscode is acting up. it is impacting my productivity. i have to add #type:ignore to make these errors go away.

i have these running extensions.

image of running extensions

I have searched all of google and stack overflow and found nothing that solve my problem. i came across mypy-type-checker.args on Vscode marketplace.
i believe it could solve my problem, but there is no docs on how to set the arguments. nothing at all on vscode marketplace.
The docs for mypy even made less sense to me as a beginner.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I enabled Copilot, ask it to explain the probem to me . it told me to do

      if update.effective_chat is not None:
            await, text="Hello, my name is MAS, i am your bot that provides movies to you for free.")

    instead of

             await, text="Hello, my name is MAS, i am your bot that provides movies to you for free.")

    My code is now error free. if you have a Copilot subscription enable the extension to *6 your productivity.

  2. You can open your settings and search for python.analysis.typeCheckingMode then choose off which is the default choice.

    enter image description here

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