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I’m using Telethon for a simple python script able to manage the telegram icoming message for a user and to store them inside a file.
Then I would like to scroll the file and send the message to someone else.

How can I do this?

In my opinion this issue is a type issue:
when I write the file appending a new incoming message, I stringify the event message {Message}.
When I read a file line I have no longer a {Message} struct but I read a String.
How can I "parse" this String according to the {Message} format?
I also tried with JSON but I failed!

<<Sorry, I’m a python noob, C rules!>>



  1. its been 10 months but i just readed 🙂 im using this code:

    from datetime import datetime
    import time
    import requests
    import configparser
    import json
    import re
    from telethon.errors import SessionPasswordNeededError
    from telethon import TelegramClient, events, sync
    from import (GetHistoryRequest)
    from import (
    api_id = Yourapiid
    api_hash = 'yourhash'
    client = TelegramClient('name',api_id,api_hash)
    vip=[-236123612,-100236123612] # some id of channels (i typed radnom numbers here)
    @client.on(events.NewMessage(outgoing=False)) # all incoming messages
    async def my_event_handler(event):  
        newMessage = event.message.message # this is only a telegram message content, its what u see on telegram 
        FullMessage = event.message # this is full message event, with technical things undergoingm like some True, False, etc, and with buttons if any.
        if event.message.sender_id in vip:
            time ="%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") 
            printRAW1("====================================== " + time)
    with client:

    i use function like this to print me messages from telegram to a file, one under another:

    `def printRAW1(*Text):
        RAWOut = open('file.txt', 'a', encoding='utf8', closefd=True)
        print(*Text, file=RAWOut)
        RAWOut.close()  `

    mayby that would be helpful for someone.
    i run it in anaconda prompt, using comand "activate" before python script, for functions to work propertly.

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  2. You can use smth’g list like that.
    It can be id, name, or link.

    chats= ['', 'channel_name','320323232']
    async def message_handler(message):
        #do your stuff
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