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Hi i’m new to the Twilio api.

Can any one provide some ideas or good example for converting text to speech(voice).

I’m using java & Rest api & Twilio api.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    enter code hereWhen application initiates a call to the Twilio API, for example via the CallFactory.create method, Twilio will send your request to a URL that is expected to return a TwiML response.

    The Say verb converts text to speech that is read back to the caller. is useful for development or saying dynamic text that is difficult to pre-record.

    Another option for responding with TwiML is via the TwiMLResponse class, which is available in the com.twilio.sdk.verbs package.

    reference linK :

    // Use your account SID and authentication token instead
    // of the placeholders shown here.
    String accountSID = "your_twilio_account";
    String authToken = "your_twilio_authentication_token";
    // Create an instance of the Twilio client.
    TwilioRestClient client;
    client = new TwilioRestClient(accountSID, authToken);
    // Retrieve the account, used later to create an instance of the CallFactory.
    Account account = client.getAccount();
    // Use the Twilio-provided site for the TwiML response.
    String Url="";
    Url = Url + "?Message%5B0%5D=Hello%20World";
    // Place the call From, To and URL values into a hash map. 
    HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    params.put("From", "NNNNNNNNNN"); // Use your own value for the second parameter.
    params.put("To", "NNNNNNNNNN");   // Use your own value for the second parameter.
    params.put("Url", Url);
    // Create an instance of the CallFactory class.
    CallFactory callFactory = account.getCallFactory();
    // Make the call.
    Call call = callFactory.create(params);
    • sample code to generating the TWIML using TwiMLResponse class using inputMsgString :

      TwiMLResponse twiml = new TwiMLResponse(); Say say = new Say( inputMsgString); twiml.append(say); msgAsXML = twiml.toXML();

  2. Twilio evangelist here.

    The <Say> TwiML verb does this for you:

        <Say>Hello World!</Say>

    I’d suggest working through the Voice Quickstart. It walks you through using Java to build a servlet that generates and returns TwiML:

    Hope that helps.

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