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I am trying to write code to print the country code of all tweets that match a search query. I have tried to follow tweepy examples as well as twitter’s documentation and examples on the internet, but I have not been able to find the way to do it. I have academic research access to the API, and this is my code (the query is a toy example):

import tweepy

bt = "..."

client = tweepy.Client(bearer_token=bt)

query = 'hello has:geo -is:retweet'

response = client.search_all_tweets(query=query, tweet_fields=['geo'], place_fields=['country_code'],
                                  expansions=['geo.place_id'], max_results=10)

tweets =
includes = response.includes
places = includes["places"]
places = {p["id"]: p for p in places}

for tweet in tweets:
    print(" country:    ", tweet.country_code)

I get the following error:

line 67, in <module>
    print(" country:    ", tweet.country_code)
  File "mypath", line 35, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError from None

I have tried adding this if statement I found in another question:

if is not None:
    print(" country:    ",tweet.country_code)
    print("Place not found")

But it raises the same error, but this time on the if statement line. I have tried printing the tweet.geo field but all it does is print the place id, which is not what I want.

I have seen many responses about how to filter by country. But this is for a linguistics research on the use of specifc structures around the world, so I need to get all of its uses and information on the country where the tweet was posted from.

How can I get the country code?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I manage to find a solution tanks to @mkrieger1 's help.

    response = client.search_all_tweets(query=query, tweet_fields=['geo'],
                                        expansions=['geo.place_id'], max_results=10)
    tweets =
    includes = response.includes
    places = includes["places"]
    places = {p["id"]: p for p in places}
    for tweet in tweets:
            print(tweet.text, "     ", places[tweet.geo["place_id"]]["country_code"], "n")
            print("Country not found")

    This solution does still yield tweets for which the country information is not set. The filter is applied in the for loop.

  2. According to, country_code is not an attribute of a Tweet object, but of a Place object.

    Tweet objects can have a place attribute, I presume it will be a Place instance as "child object".

    So you would have to use

    The if statement you mentioned hints at this but maybe you misinterpreted what you found.

    It should be

    if is not None:
        print(" country:    ",

    so that you first check if exists, and only then access the country_code attribute of (not of tweet).

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