I’m going to collect tweets about an event that has been happened 3 years ago, but I read somewhere that Twitter only let its API users to collect tweets not older than a week. So, I’d like to ask if this is true, how can I collect tweets from 3 or more years ago?
Question posted in Twitter API
The official Twitter API documentation can be found here.
The official Twitter API documentation can be found here.
Get tweets using:
Store oldest_id as previous_oldest_id
Repeat 1-6 while checking that oldest_id is not equal to previous_oldest_id before continuing the loop
You can only make 100 get request to twitter per hour. You need to count your Get() calls and have the program sleep for an hour when you’ve hit that limit. I don’t know if their API has a limitation on how far back it can go. You may be able to save API calls if you can find the ID of the tweet that would be at the start of your cutoff date and seed this process from there.
Your only option is to pay for a service such as Gnip. Gnip provides an API that will let you search for tweets older than one week.