I’m working on an app which needs to integrate with Twitter in more detail than the built-in Twitter.framework
allows for.
Twitter publishes their APIs using Fabric.app
which has a very hard time with upgrading frameworks.
I would like to just include the Frameworks that Fabric.app
is going to include in my project and skip all the setup hassle that they create with their “easy integration solution”. What do?
I dont think that it is possible at the moment, Since twitter bought crashlytics and crashlytics requires fabric we had the similar concerns and looks like TwitterKit also uses Fabric to start sessions.
According to here https://docs.fabric.io/ios/twitter/twitterkit-setup.html#integrate-with-your-app
This call has to be made;
and you dont know what is going on in Fabric.m but header file requires Twitter to initialized
Mike from Crashlytics and Fabric here.
If you want to install any part of Fabric, without Fabric.app, you can do so, via Cocoapods by heading to the web onboarding here: https://fabric.io/kits/ios/twitterkit/install
Effectively, add the following to your podfile:
Then run
pod install
Add the run script build phase with the API key and build secret that will be given when logged in at the above page.
Then add your API key and Twitter Consumer Key and Secret into your info.plist:
Then initialize the kit, recommended in your app’s delegate: