Hi i’m a newbie to Python and i’m just a learner, recently i tried to combine two scripts (retweet and tweet) into one with a interval between two but unfortunately it always ends with an error, i don’t know how to solve this error.
Here is my code:
# importing the module
import tweepy
from time import sleep
import random
# personal information
api_key = "xxxx"
api_secret_key = "yyyy"
access_token = "xxxx"
access_token_secret ="yyyy"
# authentication
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(api_key, api_secret_key)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
# authentication of access token and secret
api = tweepy.API(auth)
#put your tweets here
#some of these tweets have been taken from the top section of the hashtag #BoycottPexa,credit goes to the respective users
# Retweet and Favorite the tweet
for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q = ("#twitter -filter:retweets"),lang="en").items():
print("nTweet by: @" + tweet.user.screen_name)
print("Retweeted the tweet")
print("Favorited the tweet")
# Posting of tweets
for i in range(len(list)):
#insert more hashtags if you want to here
string = f"{random.randint(0,99)}"
api.update_status(status =string+" "+" #Twitter"+" "+ list[i])
print("successfully tweeted")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Error i received:
File "post.py", line 95
2020-07-26T07:45:45.598784+00:00 app[worker.1]: tweet.favorite()
2020-07-26T07:45:45.598785+00:00 app[worker.1]: ^
2020-07-26T07:45:45.598786+00:00 app[worker.1]: IndentationError: unexpected indent
Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance .
As the user above said, an error would be good but I see the tweet.favourite like is incorrectly indented.
Just as the error says: you have indentation problem in your code.
It appears that it is happening here: