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I am trying to load the results of a GET request from the twitter api in a nodejs file held on AWS. Currently the code runs once and console.log’s the feed when loading the file in the terminal but when I use setTimeout to try to refresh the results i get .length undefined.

Currently my code looks like this…

var Twit = require('twit');
var config = require('./config.js');
var T = new Twit(config);

var params = {
  exclude_replies: true,
  count: 20,
  include_entities: false

T.get('statuses/home_timeline', params, gotData);

function gotData(err, data, response) {

  var timeLine = data;
  for (var i = 0; i < timeLine.length; i++) {
var obj = timeLine[i];


setTimeout(gotData, 10000);

I have reviewed other questions relating to setInterval and .length issues but I’ve been unable to find anything I was able to apply to this issue

Thanks for any help you can give me



  1. setTimeout(gotData, 10000); invoke gotData without any parameters where as T.get('statuses/home_timeline', params, gotData); invoke it passing retrieved data.

    Try following

    setTimeout(function() {
        T.get('statuses/home_timeline', params, gotData);
    }, 10000);
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  2. You have to call the GET request again after the timeout, unless the gotdata function is invoked without passing response data. Try something like this.

        T.get('statuses/home_timeline', params, gotData);
    }, 10000);
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  3. Your goData() function expects three parameters:

    function gotData(err, data, response)

    But you are calling it without any params in T.get('statuses/home_timeline', params, gotData) and setTimeout(gotData, 10000), that’s why you will get this exception because data is undefined in:

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