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I am new to PHP and I’m trying to amend code from the tutorial “Build Your First Twitter App Using PHP in 8 Easy Steps” to use the Twitter search API rather than the status. Previous iteration using

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

to display my results worked great. However, I’m trying to adapt it to use the $foreach function used in the tutorial, but it only returns the headings. Here is the full code (minus the access tokens)



/** Add a title.  Specify Twitter API to be used. We are using search. Then specify fields and requestMethod, bring back 5 most popular**/
echo "<h2>Top 5 Tweets for Cloud Computing</h2>";
$url = '';
$getfield = '?q=Cloud Computing&count=5&result_type=popular';
$requestMethod = 'GET';

/** Connect to the Twitter API**/
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
$string = json_decode($twitter->setGetfield($getfield)
->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)
->performRequest(),$assoc = TRUE);
if($string["errors"][0]["message"] != "") {echo "<h3>Sorry, there was a problem.</h3><p>Twitter returned the following error message:</p><p><em>".$string[errors][0]["message"]."</em></p>";exit();}

/* echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>"; */

foreach($string as $items)
        echo "Time and Date of Tweet: ".$items['created_at']."<br />";
        echo "Tweet: ". $items['text']."<br />";
        echo "Tweeted by: ". $items['user']['name']."<br />";
        echo "Screen name: ". $items['user']['screen_name']."<br />";
        echo "Friends: ". $items['user']['friends_count']."<br /><hr />";

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I am new to PHP and I'm trying to amend code from the tutorial "Build Your First Twitter App Using PHP in 8 Easy Steps" to use the Twitter search API rather than the status.  Previous iteration using 

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

to display my results worked great. However, I’m trying to adapt it to use the $foreach function used in the tutorial, but it only returns the headings. Here is the full code (minus the access tokens)



/** Add a title.  Specify Twitter API to be used. We are using search. Then specify fields and requestMethod, bring back 5 most popular**/
echo "<h2>Top 5 Tweets for Cloud Computing</h2>";
$url = '';
$getfield = '?q=Cloud Computing&count=5&result_type=popular';
$requestMethod = 'GET';

/** Connect to the Twitter API**/
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
$string = json_decode($twitter->setGetfield($getfield)
->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)
->performRequest(),$assoc = TRUE);
if($string["errors"][0]["message"] != "") {echo "<h3>Sorry, there was a problem.</h3><p>Twitter returned the following error message:</p><p><em>".$string[errors][0]["message"]."</em></p>";exit();}

/* echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>"; */

foreach($string as $items)
        echo "Time and Date of Tweet: ".$items['created_at']."<br />";
        echo "Tweet: ". $items['text']."<br />";
        echo "Tweeted by: ". $items['user']['name']."<br />";
        echo "Screen name: ". $items['user']['screen_name']."<br />";
        echo "Friends: ". $items['user']['friends_count']."<br /><hr />";

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I am new to PHP and I'm trying to amend code from the tutorial "Build Your First Twitter App Using PHP in 8 Easy Steps" to use the Twitter search API rather than the status.  Previous iteration using 

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

to display my results worked great. However, I’m trying to adapt it to use the $foreach function used in the tutorial, but it only returns the headings. Here is the full code (minus the access tokens)



/** Add a title.  Specify Twitter API to be used. We are using search. Then specify fields and requestMethod, bring back 5 most popular**/
echo "<h2>Top 5 Tweets for Cloud Computing</h2>";
$url = '';
$getfield = '?q=Cloud Computing&count=5&result_type=popular';
$requestMethod = 'GET';

/** Connect to the Twitter API**/
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
$string = json_decode($twitter->setGetfield($getfield)
->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)
->performRequest(),$assoc = TRUE);
if($string["errors"][0]["message"] != "") {echo "<h3>Sorry, there was a problem.</h3><p>Twitter returned the following error message:</p><p><em>".$string[errors][0]["message"]."</em></p>";exit();}

/* echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>"; */

foreach($string as $items)
        echo "Time and Date of Tweet: ".$items['created_at']."<br />";
        echo "Tweet: ". $items['text']."<br />";
        echo "Tweeted by: ". $items['user']['name']."<br />";
        echo "Screen name: ". $items['user']['screen_name']."<br />";
        echo "Friends: ". $items['user']['friends_count']."<br /><hr />";

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Top 5 Tweets for Cloud Computing
    [statuses] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [created_at] => Tue Apr 10 19:50:32 +0000 2018
                    [id] => 983794376915726343
                    [id_str] => 983794376915726343
                    [text] => Forget "Old man yells at cloud." Now it's, "Old man yells at cloud computing."
                    [truncated] => 
                    [entities] => Array
                            [hashtags] => Array

                            [symbols] => Array

                            [user_mentions] => Array

                            [urls] => Array


                    [metadata] => Array
                            [result_type] => popular
                            [iso_language_code] => en

                    [source] => Twitter Web Client
                    [in_reply_to_status_id] => 983790713132503040
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                    [in_reply_to_user_id] => 155581583
                    [in_reply_to_user_id_str] => 155581583
                    [in_reply_to_screen_name] => robbysoave
                    [user] => Array
                            [id] => 155581583
                            [id_str] => 155581583
                            [name] => Robby Soave
                            [screen_name] => robbysoave
                            [location] => 
                            [description] => @reason editor. @thedailybeast columnist. 2016 @forbes 30 Under 30 list. @TFASorg Novak Fellow. Currently writing a book about activism in the age of Trump.
                            [url] => 
                            [entities] => Array
                                    [url] => Array
                                            [urls] => Array
                                                    [0] => Array
                                                            [url] => 
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                                                                    [0] => 0
                                                                    [1] => 23




                                    [description] => Array
                                            [urls] => Array



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            [1] => Array
                    [created_at] => Tue Apr 10 11:00:01 +0000 2018
                    [id] => 983660869904228352
                    [id_str] => 983660869904228352
                    [text] => Google can now use cloud computing, geo-mapping and machine learning to prevent illegal fishing… 
                    [truncated] => 1
                    [entities] => Array
                            [hashtags] => Array

                            [symbols] => Array

                            [user_mentions] => Array

                            [urls] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [url] => 
                                            [expanded_url] =>
                                            [display_url] =>…
                                            [indices] => Array
                                                    [0] => 97
                                                    [1] => 120




                    [metadata] => Array
                            [result_type] => popular
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                    [source] => Sprinklr
                    [in_reply_to_status_id] => 
                    [in_reply_to_status_id_str] => 
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                    [in_reply_to_user_id_str] => 
                    [in_reply_to_screen_name] => 
                    [user] => Array
                            [id] => 91478624
                            [id_str] => 91478624
                            [name] => Forbes
                            [screen_name] => Forbes
                            [location] => New York, NY
                            [description] => Official Twitter account of ?? homepage for the world's business leaders.
                            [url] => 
                            [entities] => Array
                                    [url] => Array
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                                                    [0] => Array
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                                                                    [0] => 28
                                                                    [1] => 48





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                    [geo] => 
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                    [favorite_count] => 100
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                    [retweeted] => 
                    [possibly_sensitive] => 
                    [lang] => en



  1. maybe try in your foreach loop this

    foreach($string as $items => $value)
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  2. The data that you want appears to be one level further into the array than you are currently going. Specifically, the data is within a statuses sub-array. You simply need to run your foreach at that level instead of the top level.

    foreach($string['statuses'] as $items)
        echo "Time and Date of Tweet: ".$items['created_at']."<br />";
        echo "Tweet: ". $items['text']."<br />";
        echo "Tweeted by: ". $items['user']['name']."<br />";
        echo "Screen name: ". $items['user']['screen_name']."<br />";
        echo "Friends: ". $items['user']['friends_count']."<br /><hr />";
    Login or Signup to reply.
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