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Is there any difference between data-dismiss and hide(API) in Twitter BootStrap 3?

We use data-dismiss="modal" to close the modal.

We also call API $("#modalId").modal("hide") to close modals.

Both of them can trigger event . But what’s the difference?



  1. so there are two ways to dismiss or hide the modal .

    case 1 data-dismiss="modal"

    we use data-dismiss="modal" if we want to close the modal without doing any activity or its the text modal , user have read it and now he wants to close it.

    case 2 $(#"modalId").modal("hide")

    we call $(#”modalId”).modal(“hide”) using JavaScript this can be a scenario where modal ask the user to input some kind of data and if the data is successful modal should close . for e.g ajax call

          type: "POST",
          url: "posturl",
          data: data,
          success: function()

    in the above example let’s assume you have a modal with form which calls an ajax call. then on success you would like to close that form.

    this is how i have used till now.

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  2. Functionally they will both achieve the same outcome: closing the dialog.

    The advantage of using the data-dismiss attribute is that you don’t need any JavaScript code to let your user close the dialog; you can do everything in markup. If you don’t have any other JS code running on your page then the ability to get interaction without adding a JS dependency is pretty great.

    The advantage of directly calling the API is that it gives you more flexibility: you can (as @amyogiji states) call it after you have done something else (like an AJAX call); you can prevent the user closing the dialog based on some validation rules; you can make something unrelated to the dialog close the dialog without the user needing to interact.

    As with most decisions in software, there are use cases for both! Generally I would recommend using the simplest solution (i.e. data-dismiss) until you need the extra flexibility.

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  3. When using multiple models on one page open at the same time on top of each other dismissing the topmost with data-dismiss=”modal” will hide all active models.You can use all Bootstrap plugins purely through the markup API without writing a single line of JavaScript. This is Bootstrap’s first class API and should be your first consideration when using a plugin.

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