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How can I make this with twitter bootstrap , I found it in this website

I don’t even know what is it called or how to start

thank you



  1. Not sure how familiar you are with bootstrap, but you will basically need:

    The documentation is pretty straightforward and if you want to customize the look you can simply override the default CSS in your own custom.css file (make sure to include it AFTER the default bootstrap stuff).

    You can also find a full example of it at

    The source code for the example should be in the bootstrap sourcecode (docs/examples)

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  2. The link you provided was of wordpress theme, i did my best to copy that style and reflect in bootstrap code. Finally i successed by using the combination of css and jQuery.
    Below is my code for the same style.

    Note that i have used 2 css files which u will also need to include in order to run the carousel perfectly, the link for the same in given above line !DOCTYPE Html. Rest all files are CDN so u need not worry about them.

    Jquery Snippet

    $(".home-solutions-nav-left").click(function() {
          left: "-=250px"
        10, function() {
          /* stuff to do after animation is complete */
          var length = parseInt($(".home-solution-items").css('left'));
          if (length < -1250) {
    function resetLeft() {
      $(".home-solution-items").css('left', '0px');
    $(".home-solutions-nav-right").click(function() {
          left: "+=250px"
        10, function() {
          /* stuff to do after animation is complete */
          var length1 = parseInt($(".home-solution-items").css('left'));
          if (length1 >= 0) {
    function resetRight() {
      $(".home-solution-items").css('left', '-1500px');
    .home-solution-items {
      left: 0px;
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