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I am trying to append data to div using json request.
What i am trying to do is just simple fetch json request and then create div (<div class="col-md-4">My div box</div>) and append to previously created div.

Now initially everything is right and working but after some time their alignment was wrong. It shows me something like below screenshot.

enter image description here

But it should be like this as early this was okay.

Previous screen shot

enter image description here

I guess this is due to HTML cache or may be dynamically div appending by JavaScript.



  1. Make the col-md-4 class the same height, this will float the divs properly

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  2. In the first screen shot the three column height are different that why it broken , so it’s better you just set an fixed height for the column then it should work.
    set height for the class ‘feed-box’.
    i hope this will do it for you.

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