So we are having this school project, and are going to fix some small issues with the code. This has nothing to do with the assignment, but rather my curiousness. The static files is defined with a index.html
and a app.min.js
, which index.html
is requiring.
In the app.min.js
-file, the css is defined like this:
var css = "/*!n * Bootstrap v3.3.5 ( *
Copyright` `2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.n * Licensed under MIT
( *//*! normalize.css`
v3.0.3 | MIT License | */html{font-
And is somehow instantiated. What is the purpose of minifying the css to a js file like this? How do you do it? Looked at something called css-to-js
but didn’t get it to work…
Hope this question isn’t too fussy, thankful for answers!
It’s an optimization technique to load the page faster by downloading only one file but I believe it’s a bad practice to put the css in a javascript file.
How do you add CSS with Javascript?
Instantiate it isn’t that difficult, see the stack snippet. It could be round trips as suggested. Less server calls. Security, no one can link to your css, however that’s fairly unlikely.
I personally think it’s deployability. It makes sure that your project always comes with the basic
it needs. No dependability on extra files that need to be loaded. It’s convenience, however
reminds me of Visual Studio projects. So it could be that this CSS is the basic for all apps. To include it in the code produces more security that it will always be deployed. As said, less files to depend on.