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OK downloaded, a free one page html5 template that uses Twitter Bootstrap – works fine, until I want to change a link in the top menu to go to another page. It doesn’t work !

A little research suggests a z index issue – but I can’t figure it out.

The menu is thus

<nav class="pull-left">
    <ul class="list-unstyled">
        <li class="animated wow fadeInLeft" data-wow-delay="0s"><a href="#about" title="More details about our golf club">About Us</a></li>
        <li class="animated wow fadeInLeft" data-wow-delay=".1s"><a href="" title="Sign up today for one free month trial at our gold club">Join</a></li>
        <li class="animated wow fadeInLeft" data-wow-delay=".2s"><a href="#app_features" title="Already a member? Sign in here">Members</a></li>

And the site URL is

Tried all sorts of things and it’s driving me crazy !

Thanks, David



  1.  <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.location=''" title="Sign up today for one free month trial at our gold club">Join</a>

    Try this. it will work. because it is one page theme so all link is working with js. but it is absolute link.

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  2. Try adding targe=”_self” or target=”_blank” to the anchor tag as per your requirement.

    <a title="Sign up today for one free month trial at our gold club" href="" target="_self">Join</a>
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