Using Terraform, I want to build an infrastructure that consists of an external load balancer (LB) and a MIG with 3 VMs. The LB shall be accessible only from my IP (via ports 80
and 22
). Each VM within the MIG should run a server that listens on 8080
. Furthermore, I would like to set up health checks for the MIG.
To achieve the goal, I’m using the following Terraform modules: "GoogleCloudPlatform/lb-http/google"
and "terraform-google-modules/vm/google//modules/mig”
. Unfortunately, after running the terraform apply
command, all health checks fail, and the LB is not accessible.
I will put my code in the later part of this post, but first, I would like to arrive at an understanding of the different attributes of the modules I quoted before:
- Does the MIG module’s attribute
refer to the port where my servers run? In my case,8080
. - Does the MIG module’s
attribute refer to the VMs within the MIG? If yes, then I assume that theport
attribute of thehealth_check
attribute should refer to the port where the servers run, again,8080
. - Does the LB module’s
attribute refer to the VMs within the MIG? Should thedefault
‘s attributeport
again point to8080
? - Finally, the LB’s module
attribute is the same as the one of the MIG’s, right? Once again, the port specified there should be8080
. - Should the firewall rule for allowing health checks (see below) be applied to the LB or the MIG?
Here’s the
data "external" "my_ip_addr" {
program = ["/bin/bash", "${path.module}/"]
resource "google_project_service" "project" {
// ...
resource "google_service_account" "service-acc" {
// ...
resource "google_compute_network" "vpc-network" {
project =
name = var.network_name
auto_create_subnetworks = false
resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnetwork" {
name = "subnetwork"
ip_cidr_range = ""
region = var.region
project =
stack_type = "IPV4_ONLY"
network = google_compute_network.vpc-network.self_link
resource "google_compute_firewall" "allow-internal" {
name = "allow-internal"
project =
network = google_compute_network.vpc-network.self_link
allow {
protocol = "tcp"
ports = ["80"]
source_ranges = [""]
resource "google_compute_firewall" "allow-ssh" {
project =
name = "allow-ssh"
direction = "INGRESS"
network = google_compute_network.vpc-network.self_link
allow {
protocol = "tcp"
ports = ["22"]
target_tags = ["allow-ssh"]
source_ranges = [format("%s/%s", data.external.my_ip_addr.result["internet_ip"], 32)]
resource "google_compute_address" "static" {
project =
region = var.region
name = "ipv4-address"
resource "google_compute_instance" "ssh-vm" {
name = "ssh-vm"
machine_type = "e2-standard-2"
project =
tags = ["allow-ssh"]
zone = "europe-west1-b"
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "ubuntu-2004-focal-v20221213"
network_interface {
subnetwork = google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork.self_link
access_config {
nat_ip = google_compute_address.static.address
metadata = {
startup-script = <<-EOF
sudo snap install docker
sudo docker version > file1.txt
sleep 5
sudo docker run -d --rm -p ${var.server_port}:${var.server_port}
busybox sh -c "while true; do { echo -e 'HTTP/1.1 200 OKrn';
echo 'yo'; } | nc -l -p ${var.server_port}; done"
module "instance_template" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/vm/google//modules/instance_template"
version = "7.9.0"
region = var.region
project_id =
network = google_compute_network.vpc-network.self_link
subnetwork = google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork.self_link
service_account = {
email =
scopes = ["cloud-platform"]
name_prefix = "webserver"
tags = ["template-vm", "allow-ssh"]
machine_type = "e2-standard-2"
startup_script = <<-EOF
sudo snap install docker
sudo docker version > docker_version.txt
sleep 5
sudo docker run -d --rm -p ${var.server_port}:${var.server_port}
busybox sh -c "while true; do { echo -e 'HTTP/1.1 200 OKrn';
echo 'yo'; } | nc -l -p ${var.server_port}; done"
source_image = ""
disk_size_gb = 10
disk_type = "pd-balanced"
preemptible = true
module "vm_mig" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/vm/google//modules/mig"
version = "7.9.0"
project_id =
region = var.region
target_size = 3
instance_template = module.instance_template.self_link
// a load balancer sends incoming traffic to the group via the named ports
// if a req comes to the LB, send it to the port named http on the vms
named_ports = [{
name = "http"
port = 80
health_check = {
type = "http"
initial_delay_sec = 30
check_interval_sec = 30
healthy_threshold = 1
timeout_sec = 10
unhealthy_threshold = 5
response = ""
proxy_header = "NONE"
port = 80
request = ""
request_path = "/"
host = ""
network = google_compute_network.vpc-network.self_link
subnetwork = google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork.self_link
module "gce-lb-http" {
source = "GoogleCloudPlatform/lb-http/google"
version = "~> 4.4"
project =
name = "group-http-lb"
// This tag must match the tag from the instance template
// This will create the default health check firewall rule
// and apply it to the machines tagged with the "template-vm" tag
target_tags = ["template-vm"]
// the name of the network where the default health check will be created
firewall_networks = []
backends = {
default = {
description = null
port = 80
protocol = "HTTP"
port_name = "http"
timeout_sec = 10
enable_cdn = false
custom_request_headers = null
custom_response_headers = null
security_policy = null
connection_draining_timeout_sec = null
session_affinity = null
affinity_cookie_ttl_sec = null
health_check = {
check_interval_sec = null
timeout_sec = null
healthy_threshold = null
unhealthy_threshold = null
request_path = "/"
port = 80
host = null
logging = null
log_config = {
enable = true
sample_rate = 1.0
groups = [
# Each node pool instance group should be added to the backend.
group = module.vm_mig.instance_group
balancing_mode = null
capacity_scaler = null
description = null
max_connections = null
max_connections_per_instance = null
max_connections_per_endpoint = null
max_rate = null
max_rate_per_instance = null
max_rate_per_endpoint = null
max_utilization = null
iap_config = {
enable = false
oauth2_client_id = null
oauth2_client_secret = null
I can see you created firewall rules with tags var.network_name , but dont see you added this tag to your VM/MIG. To make healthcheck firewall work you need to add this tags to your MIG.
Does the MIG module’s attribute named_ports refer to the port where my servers run?
Sort of. A named port is a key/value pair applied to an instance group, not an instance directly. An example might be { name: "gunicorn", port: 8000 }
These can be a bit of a pain to work with if the instance groups and named ports are created by different teams or different processes, since one may overwrite the other.
Does the MIG module’s health_check attribute refer to the VMs within the MIG?
Yes, the healthcheck will need to hit the VMs directly. This is so the MIG can detect instance failures and launch replacements in order to meet load requirements.
If yes, then I assume that the port attribute of the health_check attribute should refer to the port where the servers run, again, 8080.
Yes, it’s the port of the service running on the VM.
Does the LB module’s backends attribute refer to the VMs within the MIG? Should the default’s attribute port again point to 8080?
Similar to question #1, the answer is ‘yes, but not directly’. The backend will reference one or more instance group IDs, and the instance groups will of course contain the relevant instances.
One of the things that makes GCP HTTP(S) load balancers tricky to work with is they have different components under the hood. Breaking this down by traffic flow, it looks like this::
LB IP Address -> Forwarding Rule -> Target proxy -> URL Map -> Backend Service -> Instance Group -> Instance -> Service
The backend service will send traffic to the instance group using protocol + named_port. Then the instance group will map that traffic to a specific port number using the named_port.
Finally, the LB’s module health_check attribute is the same as the one of the MIG’s, right?
Yes. Just like with the MIG, the healthcheck will need to hit the instances directly, which requires firewall rules be open from source ranges + to the applicable instances on relevant ports.
For firewall rules, I personally recommend just allowing this traffic to all instances on ports 1-65535, but your security policy may require it to be more granular. You can use network tags or service accounts to apply the rule only to specific groups of instances.
Should the firewall rule for allowing health checks (see below) be applied to the LB or the MIG?
Neither. It should be applied to the instances.
Unlike AWS, GCP HTTP(S) load balancers don’t use any firewall rules on the frontend. On the backend, they generally use the same IP ranges as the healthcheck. The two exceptions are: