I’m trying to run a ROS program on Gazebo with Ubuntu 20.04 but the GUI does not open when I do the "gazebo empty.world" command. I’m running ros-noetic. Is there some setting I have to specify for Ubuntu to be able to open a GUI on my windows 10 machine? I have a good GPU on my computer.
When trying to run a more complex program, I get the error :
[gazebo_gui-2] process has died [pid 836, exit code 134, cmd /opt/ros/noetic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzclient
suggesting Ubuntu can’t handle the gazebo GUI
Try re-installing gazebo
Refer to this answer
Basically error is with the graphic settings on your device, ubuntu 20.04 runs gazebo well enough.
Try running
as suggested in the linked answer, for me it failed a couple of times but worked after a reboot, though takes time to load and launch preconfigured worlds.