I have the following code that is automating a process in the browser.
At the line pt.click(clicks=3)
I can get the text selected in the input box (Chrome). At the line pc.copy()
I should copy this text and send it to the variable self.message
to be processed. This step is not working.
There are a lot of documents and tutorials on how to do that on Windows and Mac, not in Ubuntu, specially in Ubuntu 22.04.
I am using OS Ubuntu 22.04
and Python 3.10.4
What am I missing?
from turtle import right
import cv2 as cv
from time import sleep
# Waiting time
print('Waiting 2s')
import pyautogui as pt
import paperclip as pc
from tkinter import ttk
def nav_message(self):
clipPicCenter = pt.locateCenterOnScreen('./clip_pic.png', confidence=0.7)
# print('LocateCenter clip_pic', clipPicCenter)
pt.moveTo(clipPicCenter[0]+48, clipPicCenter[1]-60, duration=self.speed)
self.message = pc.copy() //Out PUT - Pyperclip do not have the method copy()
# pt.click(button='right', clicks=1)
# pos = pt.position()
# pt.moveTo(pos[0]+20, pos[1]-300, duration=self.speed)
# txt = pt.click()
# print(txt)
# self.nav_input_box()
# pt.write(txt)
# txt = pt.hotkey("ctrl", "c") # copy the text (simulating key strokes)
# pt.click(button=right)
except Exception as e:
print ('Exception (nav_green_dot): ', e)
you can use this to copy something to your clipboard
Line 9 you import
. You need to importpyperclip
(Note that it starts withpy
and notpa
). The 2 are spelled similar, but your code imports the paperclip library for Django instead of the pyperclip library for managing the clipboard. Heres a codeblock with your fixed imports: