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I want to search all files include text "hello" but exclude the result contains "test".

Here is the example files:

mkdir -p /tmp/test
cd /tmp/test

echo "foo hello" > foo.txt

echo "bar world" > bar.txt
echo "test hello" >> bar.txt
echo "world hello" >> bar.txt

Here is the search for "hello":

# find /tmp/test -type f -name '*' -exec grep -H -i "hello" {} ;
/tmp/test/bar.txt:test hello
/tmp/test/bar.txt:world hello
/tmp/test/foo.txt:foo hello

Now I want to exclude "test" from the above search output:

# find /tmp/test -type f -name '*' -exec grep -H -i "hello" {} ; | grep -v "test"
...Nothing here...

Try other pattern:

# find /tmp/test -type f -name '*' -exec grep -H -i "hello" -v "test" {} ;
grep: test: No such file or directory
/tmp/test/bar.txt:bar world
grep: test: No such file or directory

Here is the expected output:

# find /tmp/test -type f -name '*' -exec grep [commands argumensts here] {} ;
/tmp/test/bar.txt:world hello
/tmp/test/foo.txt:foo hello

How to do this search and exclude for find in files?



  1. The issue is that you have test in the file path.

    You can match for things after the : but that will only work if you do not have : in the text of the file.

    find /tmp/test -type f -name '*' -exec grep -H -i 


    /t/test  ❯❯❯ find /tmp/test -type f -name '*' -exec grep -H -i "hello" {} ; | grep -v -E ".*:.*test"
    /tmp/test/foo.txt:foo hello
    /tmp/test/bar.txt:world hello
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  2. You can use awk which can parse file contents very quickly. The following sample script

    echo "dum dum
    dum hello dum
    crumb test crumb
    dum dum" >${file1}
    echo "dum dum
    dum hello dum
    dum dum" >${file2}
    echo "dum dum
    dum test dum
    crumb hello crumb
    dum dum" >${file3}
    echo "dum dum
    crumb jello crumb
    crumb bellow crumb
    dum test dum
    dum dum" >${file4}
    for file in grepTest?.txt
        awk -v acc="hello" -v rej="test" 'BEGIN{
            good=0 ;
            if( index($0, rej) != 0 ){
                good=2 ;
                exit ;
                if( index($0, acc) != 0 ){
                    good=1 ;
                    line=$0 ;
                } ;
            } ;
            if( good == 1 ){
                printf("%s: %sn", FILENAME, line ) ;
                if( good == 2 ){
                    printf("REJECT: Found %s at line %s in %s.n", rej, NR, FILENAME ) | "cat >&2" ;
                } ;
            } ;
        }' ${file}

    gives the output

    REJECT: Found test at line 3 in grepTest1.txt.
    grepTest2.txt: dum hello dum
    REJECT: Found test at line 2 in grepTest3.txt.
    REJECT: Found test at line 4 in grepTest4.txt.

    BUT … note that the 3 reject lines go to stderr. if you redirect stdout to a file, you will only have the list of good files in that list.

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  3. Use awk instead of grep:

    $ find test -type f -exec awk '/hello/&&!/test/{print FILENAME,$0}' {} ;
    test/foo.txt foo hello
    test/bar.txt world hello
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