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I started to learn Selenium

but i’m stuck trying to upload and download on a element like this:

I want to upload a dwg file on this site and convert it into a text file. So I’m using selenium.

I encountered a problem while uploading the file

This is my error message:

enter image description here

We have tried several solutions to this problem.

  1. ADD driver.manage().window().maximize();
  2. use click() instead of sendKeys()
  3. Check Element is Enabled

However, no solution has solved the problem.
This is the entire code:

const { Builder, Browser, By, Key, until } = require("selenium-webdriver");
const chromeDriver = require("selenium-webdriver/chrome");
const chromeOptions = new chromeDriver.Options();

const chromeExample = async () => {
  const driver = await new Builder()


  await driver.get("");

  await driver.wait(
    until.elementLocated(By.className("filedrop-container width-for-mobile")),
    10 * 1000

  await driver.wait(
      driver.findElement(By.className("filedrop-container width-for-mobile"))
    10 * 1000

  const tmp = await driver
    .findElement(By.className("filedrop-container width-for-mobile"))

The same error occurs when i change the code as below.
await driver
.findElement(By.className("filedrop-container width-for-mobile"))

One strange thing is that if i change sendKeys to click and check tmp with console.log, it is null.

This is Project Directory

How can I solve this problem? I’m sorry if it’s too basic a question. But I’d be happy if there was any hint. Thank you.

WSL2(Ubuntu-20.04), Node.js v18.12.1



  1. You need to use sendKeys on the input element which is nested deeper in the element that you are currently trying to send keys to.

    You can reach the element with this xpath:

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  2. I had this issue with a checkbox, I have solved by sendKeys(Key.SPACE)

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