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I understand that best security practices indicate I should move my sensistive PHP files (such as those that contain connection information) out of the web server root, which is in my case /var/www/html.

But to where? What directory is the industry standard or best practice? For now, I have created a directory for the PHP incude_path under /var/www, so that my include_path is var/www/php_incudes. But I am not sure that is the best place.

My environement is Ubuntu Linux running Apache 2 and PHP 8.2.21.

Thank you.



  1. Most of the time you will see a PHP project live in any folder. Personally I had mine in /opt. But a project (like symfony) is created as following:

    ├─ bin/
    │  └─ console
    ├─ config/
    │  ├─ packages/
    │  └─ services.yaml
    ├─ public/
    │  └─ index.php
    ├─ src/
    │  ├─ Controller/
    │  ├─ Entity/
    │  ├─ Repository/
    │  └─ Kernel.php
    ├─ templates/
    ├─ tests/
    ├─ translations/
    ├─ var/
    │  ├─ cache/
    │  └─ log/
    ├─ vendor/
    └─ .env

    In your apache or nginx you set the entrypoint in the public folder so it won’t expose other files

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  2. To move out of web root means move to some place that is not web accessible – like /var/www/src if your index.php is located in /var/www/html

    But consider this:

    Don’t set inclide_path at all and use your custom (or the one from Composer) autoloaders for classes folowing PSR4 standard.

    Always provide full path to your file_get_contents and other methods.

    That way you will always know that you are actually loading what you want instead of random files in include_path

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