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I’ve release two tags, 0.1.0 and then 0.0.1. The latest release tag is 0.1.0.

How do I check inside the GitHub Action if the workflow was dispatched by the latest release?

name: Test
      - main
    types: [published]
    name: Test
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - run: echo ${{ github.ref_name }}

${{ github.ref_name }} returns the tag version 0.1.0 or 0.0.1, I want to tag Docker images in action the same as GitHub: as image:latest only if the action was dispatched by 0.1.0, 0.1.0 is the latest even if 0.0.1 was dispatched later like displayed in the screenshot below:

enter image description here



  1. Unfortunately, github context doesn’t provide this information.

    As a walkaround you can use git command to retrieve the latest version:

    git tag | sort --version-sort | tail -n1

    and then compare it to the current tag in the github actions context:

    ${{ github.ref_name }}


      - name: "Set latest tag"
        id: set-latest-tag
        run: echo "latest_tag=$(git tag | sort --version-sort | tail -n1)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
      - name: "Tag Docker image as latest"
        id: tag-as-latest
        if: ${{ github.ref_name == env.latest_tag }}
        run: |
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  2. To retrieve the Github release that is marked as latest by the maintainers (does not have to be chronologically or alphabetically the latest created git tag):

    - name: Export LATEST_TAG
      run: |
        echo "LATEST_TAG=$(curl -qsSL 
          -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" 
          -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" 
          -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" 
          "${{ github.api_url }}/repos/${{ github.repository }}/releases/latest" 
        | jq -r .tag_name)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
    - name: Do something when the current tag is the latest tag
      if: ${{ github.ref_name == env.LATEST_TAG }}
      run: ...

    This uses the tag_name attribute in the REST API response (docs)

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