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I am facing a problem of file not found. os.listdir() method should be able to load folder. Why it cannot work correctly? Make me any advice and suggestions. Thank you.

scene = 'scene1'
folders = os.listdir("graph_state_list/" + scene + "/")
for folder in folders:
        activity_directory = "graph_state_list/" + scene + "/" + folder
        directories = os.listdir(activity_directory)
        program_discription_list = []
        for directory in directories:    
            program_description_path = "graph_state_list/" + scene + "/" + folder + "/" + directory + "/program-description.txt"
            program_description = {}
            input_file = open(program_description_path, "r")
            name_desc = []
            for line in input_file:
            program_description = {
                "name": name_desc[0],
                "description": name_desc[1]
            activity_program = get_activity_program("graph_state_list/" + scene + "/" + folder + "/" + directory + "/activityList-program.txt")
            graph_state_list = get_graph_state_list("graph_state_list/" + scene + "/" + folder + "/" + directory + "/activityList-graph-state-*.json")
            create_rdf(graph_state_list, program_description, activity_program, scene, directory)
    except Exception as e:

FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [66], in <cell line: 2>()
      1 scene = 'scene1'
----> 2 folders = os.listdir("graph_state_list/" + scene + "/")
      3 for folder in folders:
      4     try:

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'graph_state_list/scene1/'



  1. The problem is with the slash character you have in your path.

    Try to use this instead:

    activity_directory = "graph_state_list\" + scene + "\" + folder

    EDIT: the error is raised in line 2, so please change that one as well to:

    folders = os.listdir("graph_state_list\" + scene + "\")
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  2. May I suggest using os.path.join() in order to use the correct folder structure:

    import os
    current_dir = os.getcwd()
    scene = 'scene1'
    folders = os.path.join(current_dir, "graph_state_list", scene)
    for folder in os.listdir(folders):

    Result (folders):

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  3. you should write full path with double slash like:

    C:\Users\user name\jupyter\circle\rect\images

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