I wrote the code in ipynb as same as the video class :
import plotly.express as px
grafico = px.histogram(tabela, x="duracao_contrato", color="cancelou",color_discrete_map="blues")
but when I run the code the message that shows is NameError: name ‘tabela’ is not defined
What I’m doing wrong? Could someone help me please?
I followed all the teacher’s suggestions and installed everything he asked. I’m using VSCode on Linux Ubuntu, does it have any specific extensions that I should check if I’m missing?
Gleyce, I believe you watched Lira Hashtag. I’m also following the classes and i got at the same situation. I basically ran all the codes again since of the beginning or you can just apply the "Run All"
If not works try to retire the "discrete_color" part.
I hope I help you 🙂
See ya !
I tried too but does not work at all, even tried to restart the kernel but is just not working the part to show the grafic.