I’m trying to build then push image on gitlab container registry but i found below issue i’m using on premise Gitlab instance and the Gitlab runner is ubuntu that using shell executor
I appreciate if someone can help to solve this issue
Thanks a lot in advance
Thanks Telinov for your efforts i just want to share with you that the kubernetes cluster is using container.d and these are the configurations that i set trying to solve the issue but it failed with the same issue : path : /etc/containerd/config.toml
then systemctl restart containerd on all the kubernete nodes
Edit the
file, whose default location is/etc/docker/daemon.json
inside gitlab-runner:I solved the problem after adding the above configurations and i found the secret that i’ve created with wrong username for the gitlab but after adding the gitlab container registry on all the worker nodes and modifed the docker-registry secret everything is okay now but without your guidance i wouldn’t solve it .
kubectl create secret docker-registry my-registry-key –docker-server=$CI_REGISTRY –docker-username=$GITLAB_USER –docker-password=$GITLAB_PASSWORD -n gitlab-test –dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f –