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I was trying to use openCV in Intellij Idea (scala), for that I’ve downloaded openCV from their official website – and after installing openCV I got opencv-480.jar file in build/bin. For installation I have done (in Ubuntu):

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y cmake g++ wget unzip
$ wget -O
$ unzip
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ cmake ../opencv-4.x
$ make -j4
$ sudo make install

Then I’ve opened my Intellij Idea and performed following steps:

  1. Go to (file -> project structure -> modules)
  2. Clicked on + sign
  3. Selected (library -> java)
  4. Selected that opencv-480.jar
  5. Clicked on apply and then ok

Above steps added jar file. Then I added library path by doing:

  1. Go to (file -> project structure -> libraries)
  2. Clicked on recently added library (opencv-480)
  3. Then in right panel, I clicked on + sign
  4. Selected lib folder which I got after installation of openCV

After all above, now I’m able to access and use openCV in my scala project.

But the problem is whenever I clean the project and run in sbt-shell, it removes that jar file from project structure. Now I want to add that external jar file and setting of lib folder path via build.sbt – but I’m not able to find any help on this.

Guide me how can I add external jar file and use it as dependency in build.sbt.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I've solved above issue. What I've done is:

    1. Made a opencv_lib folder in root.
    2. Put opencv-480.jar file in this opencv_lib folder.
    3. Made another native_libs folder inside opencv_lib folder.
    4. Put files of lib folder (which I got after installing opencv) into that native_libs folder.

    Then at last added some lines in build.sbt, my project's build.sbt is:

    ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.13.4"
    lazy val root = (project in file("."))
        name := "OpenCV-Check"
    run / fork := true
    unmanagedBase := baseDirectory.value / "opencv_lib"
    val openCVNativeLibPath = file("opencv_lib/native_libs")
    run / javaOptions += s"-Djava.library.path=${openCVNativeLibPath.getAbsolutePath}"

    Then I build the project and it worked for me.

    Above linked helped me. Thanks to Gael J for that link.

  2. You can add a "unmanaged dependency" in SBT by putting the JAR in the lib folder and everything will be automatic.

    There are also other ways documented in the link above for more complex scenarios.

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