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This it’s complicated to explain, so patience, please.

I started learning Kotlin a few weeks ago, but left it because other things and continue today, but every line of code it’s highligthed with errors without reason.

Even a simple code as a "Hello World" got errors for everything.


fun main() {
    val variable:String = "Hello world"

Problems message in vscode:

Cannot access built-in declaration 'kotlin.String'. Ensure that you have a dependency on the Kotlin standard library
Unresolved reference: print
Cannot access built-in declaration 'kotlin.String'. Ensure that you have a dependency on the Kotlin standard library

JSON log error by vscode:

    "resource": "/home/my_username/programming/courses/kotlin/first.kt",
    "owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#1",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "Cannot access built-in declaration 'kotlin.String'. Ensure that you have a dependency on the Kotlin standard library",
    "source": "kotlin",
    "startLineNumber": 2,
    "startColumn": 19,
    "endLineNumber": 2,
    "endColumn": 25
    "resource": "/home/my_username/programming/courses/kotlin/first.kt",
    "owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#1",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "Unresolved reference: print",
    "source": "kotlin",
    "startLineNumber": 3,
    "startColumn": 5,
    "endLineNumber": 3,
    "endColumn": 10
    "resource": "/home/my_username/programming/courses/kotlin/first.kt",
    "owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#1",
    "severity": 8,
    "message": "Cannot access built-in declaration 'kotlin.String'. Ensure that you have a dependency on the Kotlin standard library",
    "source": "kotlin",
    "startLineNumber": 3,
    "startColumn": 11,
    "endLineNumber": 3,
    "endColumn": 19

But this compile and work, without problems in the terminal:

cd "/home/my_username/programming/courses/kotlin/" && kotlinc first.kt -include-runtime -d first.jar && java -jar first.jar


Hello world

Use Ubuntu 22.04 and installed kotlin via snap (as indicated in the official website):

sudo snap install --classic kotlin

In vscode use the follow extensions that could be implicated in the problem:

I can run the cli compiler and every tool, but vscode/vscode-extensions error messages broke for no apparent reason, and just with this language.

IMPORTANT: The problem isn’t the installation of the language itself, since the code compile and run witout problems, and don’t throw error in terminal when executed.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Used vscode Bisect tool and dentified the problem. It's this extension:

    This extension throw all the errors, disable and everything it's fine.

    Alredy reported in this Github Issue

    Until date (09/08/2022), the issue it's open and bug it's there.

  2. I was using kotlin some time ago and everything worked fine (vscode version was 1.69.2 at the time). I tried again today after seeing your question and got an error. (At this time, the vscode version has been upgraded to 1.70)

    After I rolled back the vscode version to 1.69.2 it still didn’t solve the problem.

    So I upgraded the version to 1.70 again and the kotlin code is running normally again.

    So, please uninstall your VS Code and install it again. ( The current latest version is 1.70. )

    If it doesn’t work once, reinstall it again.

    This may be a bug, I will raise an issue on GitHub.

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