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For the project I’m working on, I have defined a certain base class and several derived classes that inherit it. The base class has several virtual methods that are overriden by methods in the derived classes.
At a certain point I need to pass a (derived) custom class instantiation to a kernel and use one of the custom class’ methods inside said kernel. Using the method (hopefully) does not modify the object. I have tried to adapt the following C++ minimum working example so that it works on arrays:


class basefoo{
    virtual int getiden(int i){return 0;}

class derivefoo : public basefoo{
    int getiden(int i){return i;}

int getsq(basefoo *foo, int q){
    int result = (foo->getiden(q))*(foo->getiden(q));
    return result;

int main(){
    derivefoo foo;
    basefoo foo2;
    int q=3;
    std::cout<<getsq(&foo, q)<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<getsq(&foo2, q)<<std::endl;
    return 0;

Output is:


as expected.

My minimum CUDA example is the following:

#include <iostream>

class basefoo{
    __host__ __device__ virtual int getiden(int i){return 0;}

class derivefoo : public basefoo{
    __host__ __device__ int getiden(int i){return i;}

__global__ void get_squares(int* squares, basefoo *foo, int sroot, int nsq){
    const int tid = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
    if(tid < nsq){
        squares[tid] = 0;
        int result = (foo->getiden(sroot))*(foo->getiden(sroot));
        squares[tid] += result;

int main(){
    int sroot = 4;
    int nsquares = 2;
    int *hsquares, *dsquares;
    hsquares = (int *)malloc(nsquares*sizeof(int));
    cudaMalloc(&dsquares, nsquares*sizeof(int));

    basefoo foo, *dfoo;
    derivefoo foo2, *dfoo2;

    cudaMalloc(&dfoo, sizeof(basefoo));
    cudaMemcpy(dfoo, &foo, sizeof(basefoo), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaMalloc(&dfoo2, sizeof(derivefoo));
    cudaMemcpy(dfoo2, &foo2, sizeof(derivefoo), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

    get_squares<<<1, 2>>>(dsquares, dfoo, sroot, nsquares);
    cudaMemcpy(hsquares, dsquares, nsquares*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

    printf("%d %d n", hsquares[0], hsquares[1]);

    get_squares<<<1, 2>>>(dsquares, dfoo2, sroot, nsquares);
    cudaMemcpy(hsquares, dsquares, nsquares*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

    printf("%d %d n", hsquares[0], hsquares[1]);

    return 0;


When executing it with compute-sanitizer –tool memcheck I get several out of bounds errors (5 for this minimum example). Here is the first one:

========= Invalid __global__ read of size 4 bytes
=========     at 0xc8 in get_squares(int *, basefoo *, int, int)
=========     by thread (0,0,0) in block (0,0,0)
=========     Address 0x555f56399068 is out of bounds
=========     and is 45,900,972,322,712 bytes before the nearest allocation at 0x7f1e7d600000 of size 8 bytes
=========     Saved host backtrace up to driver entry point at kernel launch time
=========     Host Frame: [0x32e130]
=========                in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
=========     Host Frame:libcudart_static_4d8b33a106dceb3c07a56e26de61f2d53bb62a68 [0x1091e]
=========                in /home/arin/Desktop/cuda codes/ASMD/./inhtest
=========     Host Frame:cudaLaunchKernel [0x70b2e]
=========                in /home/arin/Desktop/cuda codes/ASMD/./inhtest
=========     Host Frame:cudaError cudaLaunchKernel<char>(char const*, dim3, dim3, void**, unsigned long, CUstream_st*) [0xb1ba]
=========                in /home/arin/Desktop/cuda codes/ASMD/./inhtest
=========     Host Frame:__device_stub__Z11get_squaresPiP7basefooii(int*, basefoo*, int, int) [0xafec]
=========                in /home/arin/Desktop/cuda codes/ASMD/./inhtest
=========     Host Frame:get_squares(int*, basefoo*, int, int) [0xb036]
=========                in /home/arin/Desktop/cuda codes/ASMD/./inhtest
=========     Host Frame:main [0xad1d]
=========                in /home/arin/Desktop/cuda codes/ASMD/./inhtest
=========     Host Frame:../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:__libc_start_call_main [0x29d90]
=========                in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
=========     Host Frame:../csu/libc-start.c:379:__libc_start_main [0x29e40]
=========                in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
=========     Host Frame:_start [0xaae5]
=========                in /home/arin/Desktop/cuda codes/ASMD/./inhtest

It’s worth noting that there are no memcheck errors at all if I delete the "virtual" keyword in basefoo’s getiden method, but then the override isn’t successful, and I need it for my project.Does anyone have any idea of what is causing this?
This is CUDA 12.2 in Ubuntu 22.04.3.



  1. The answer could be found in the CUDA documentation about virtual functions:

    If an object is created in host code, invoking a virtual function for that object in device code has undefined behavior.

    The following code creating object on the device will work

    #include <iostream>
    class basefoo
        __host__ __device__ basefoo() {}
        __host__ __device__ virtual int getiden(int i) { return 0; }
    class derivefoo : public basefoo
        __host__ __device__ derivefoo() {}
        __host__ __device__ int getiden(int i) override { return i; }
    __global__ void get_squares(int* squares, int sroot, int nsq)
        const int tid = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
        derivefoo dfoo;
        basefoo* bfoo = &dfoo;
        if (tid < nsq)
            squares[tid] = 0;
            int result = (bfoo->getiden(sroot)) * (bfoo->getiden(sroot));
            squares[tid] += result;
    int main()
        int sroot = 4;
        int nsquares = 2;
        int *hsquares, *dsquares;
        hsquares = (int *)malloc(nsquares*sizeof(int));
        cudaMalloc(&dsquares, nsquares*sizeof(int));
        get_squares<<<1, 2>>>(dsquares, sroot, nsquares);
        cudaMemcpy(hsquares, dsquares, nsquares*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
        printf("%d %d n", hsquares[0], hsquares[1]);
        return 0;
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  2. cudaMemcpy* will transfer the vtable between host and device. In general, host pointers are invalid on the device, and vice-versa. To be usable on the device, objects with virtual functions must be constructed on the device to set up valid function pointers.

    To make a copied object usable on the destination (cpu or gpu), one can copy-construct the object in-place, using placement-new.

    #include <iostream>
    struct Foo{
        __host__ __device__
        virtual int compute() = 0;
    struct Bar : public Foo{
        int x = 1;
        __host__ __device__
        int compute() override{
            return x + 2;
    void computeKernel(Foo* object){
        int result = object->compute();
        printf("result %dn", result);
    void fixBarObject(Bar* b){
        new (b) Bar(*b);
    int main(){
        Bar b;
        b.x = 3;
        Bar* d_b;
        cudaMalloc(&d_b, sizeof(Bar));
        cudaMemcpy(d_b, &b, sizeof(Bar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

    Output: result 5

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