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I am using environment modules on my Ubuntu container.

When I call the following command: module av It shows me this kind of output:

> module av
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /project/mb/modulefiles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
meco/bamtools/2.4.1  meco/bbmap/39.00      meco/bedtools/2.23.0  meco/bhtsne/1.0     meco/bwa/0.7.17  meco/diamond/2.1.6  meco/fastani/1.33   meco/fasttree/2.1.10  meco/hmmer/3.3.2  meco/mafft/7.471          meco/meco_tools/1.3.3  meco/metabat/2.12.1  meco/perl/5.38.0  meco/prodigal/2.6.3  meco/python/3.11.3  meco/R/4.3.1             meco/rtk/0.93.2    meco/SPAdes/3.15.0      meco/trimmomatic/0.39  meco/zlib/1.2.8  
meco/barrnap/0.9     meco/bedtools/2.22.1  meco/bedtools/2.29.2  meco/bowtie2/2.4.1  meco/CAT/5.2.3   meco/dnaclust/3     meco/fastqc/0.11.4  meco/fastx/   meco/lftp/4.8.3   meco/meco_pipeline/1.3.3  meco/megahit/1.2.9     meco/muscle/3.8.31   meco/pplacer/1.1  meco/pTrimmer/1.3.4  meco/quast/5.2.0    meco/rdp_classifier/2.8  meco/samtools/1.9  meco/sratoolkit/2.10.9  meco/vsearch/2.7.1     

However, if I run bash -c 'module av' it does not work:

# bash -c 'module av'
bash -c 'module av'
bash: line 1: module: command not found

From the faq,
the module command is actually a bash function.

How can I make the bash -c 'module av' command show the same output as module av?

Please, help would be appreciated.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I've finally opted to install and use Lmod instead of Environment modules. It now works. Although I still do not understand the root nature of the problem I had in my question. Cheers,

  2. The bash: line 1: module: command not found error is due to the bash session not being aware of the module shell function. It means that the initialization process of your bash -c command does not go through an initialization shell script that defines the module shell function.

    This error is either due to a packaging bug on the OS you use (environment-modules on Ubuntu) or to some specific configuration you may have set.

    To solve this issue, you may either:

    • ensure the module shell function is correctly defined by sourcing its definition script:
    $ bash -c '. /usr/share/modules/init/bash; module av'
    • directly call the script behind the module shell function:
    $ bash -c '/usr/lib/modulecmd.tcl bash av'
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