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I created my first source generator (ISourceGenerator) with public property and public method.

Let this class be like this:

public partial class MyClass1 // Manually written code

public partial class MyClass1 //Source Generated code
    public string GeneratedProperty { get; set; }
    public string GeneratedMethod() => "lala";

Both of these classes are located in the same namespace (for example, MyNamespace – it doesn’t matter really).

So, I’m trying this:

var myClass = new MyClass1(); // Correct
Console.WriteLine(myClass.GeneratedMethod()); //Wrong, "MyClass1 doesn't contain definition for GeneratedMethod..."

When I say MSVS generate sources as files in the concrete directory, I have the code above working well.

So, I want to have an ability to use generated code "on fly" when I write code without generation source files each time manually. Also earlier manually generated source files are not deleted when I’m generating new source files.
Is it possible?

Thank you.

UPD. I have this message from Visual Studio:
"Warning CS8032 An instance of analyzer Generators.Factory.AbstractFactoryGenerator cannot be created from …binDebugnetstandard2.0SourceGeneratorsLibrary.dll: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."
Maybe this significant?

UPD2. – this is my Source Generator code. Pls, don’t blame me, It’s just my first steps.



  1. As far as I know, programming is case sensitive, well at least C# so myClass() is different from MyClass(). also hence you are using the string data type, try casting it as string via




    hope this answers you question.

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  2. It seems you have developed your analyzer but not actually referenced it from a project?

    To use your analyzer you simply add it as as project reference, but make sure it’s marked up as an analyzer in the .csproj file:

         <ProjectReference Include="MyGeneratorMyGenerator.csproj" OutputItemType="Analyzer" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" />

    Or something like that, adjusted to your solution.

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