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I’m new to selenium webdriver and the programming world.

I’m creating several tests in visual studio, and most of them will have a few steps that will be the same functions, for example Login function.

I put this function in a public void according to the code below

public void Login()
    IWebElement inputUsuario = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[@id='username']"));

    IWebElement inputSenha = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//input[@id='password']"));

    IWebElement botaoEntrar = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//div[@class='full-container']"));

    IWebElement agenda = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//h3[normalize-space()='Agenda']"));
    Assert.Contains("Agenda", driver.PageSource);

Now I would like to call this function in another test in the same project, without having to rewrite all the code
Can you help me to do this?



  1. If the method is in a class the answer should be:


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  2. C# does not have stand-alone functions, the only place you will see a function outside of a class (as far as I´m aware) are in top-level statements, which are just syntax sugar that is wrapped into a static class by the compiler and are most likely not a solution to your issue.

    You should put your function either into a static class

    static class LoginHelper{
        public static void Login(Webdriver drive) //not sure about the class name of driver here
            //login code

    or better yet, use a proper object oriented approach

    abstract class BaseTest{
        Webdriver driver;
        public BaseTest(Webdriver driver)
           this.driver = driver;
        public void Login()
            //login code
        public abstract void RunTests();
    class Test1 : BaseTest
        public Test1(Webdriver driver) : base(driver)
        public void SomeTest()
            //define additional Tests
        public override void RunTests(){
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