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I need help with a homework I have in school. These are the requirements from my teacher.

Program requirements:

  • Accept user input of a question.
  • Output a result based upon a real "magic 8-ball" (do not add any of your own)
  • use a switch statement

Create a Method with the following signature:

public static string responses ()

All user input and output should be done in your main method.

This is my code and I have a problem with returning the value and Visual Studio highlights the command break and reports an CS0162 Unreachable code detected.

using System;
public class Magic8Ball
    public static void Main(string[] args)

        Console.WriteLine("Ask you question to the Magic 8 Ball: ");
        string response;

        response = responses(response);

    public static string responses(string response)

        string affirmativeResponse1 = "It is certain.";
        string affirmativeResponse2 = "It is decidedly so.";
        string affirmativeResponse3 = "Without a doubt.";
        string affirmativeResponse4 = "Yes definitely.";
        string affirmativeResponse5 = "You may rely on it.";

        string affirmativeResponse6 = "As I see it, yes.";
        string affirmativeResponse7 = "Most likely.";
        string affirmativeResponse8 = "Outlook good.";
        string affirmativeResponse9 = "Yes.";
        string affirmativeResponse10 = "Signs point to yes.";

        string nonCommittalResponse1 = "Reply hazy, try again.";
        string nonCommittalResponse2 = "Ask again later.";
        string nonCommittalResponse3 = "Better not tell you now.";
        string nonCommittalResponse4 = "Cannot predict now.";
        string nonCommittalResponse5 = "Concentrate and ask again.";

        string negativeResponse1 = "Don't count on it.";
        string negativeResponse2 = "My reply is no.";
        string negativeResponse3 = "My sources say no.";
        string negativeResponse4 = "Outlook not so good.";
        string negativeResponse5 = "Very doubtful.";

        int numberOfResponse;
        Random var = new Random();
        numberOfResponse = var.Next(20);

        switch (numberOfResponse)
            case 0:
                response = affirmativeResponse1;
                return response;
            case 1:
                response = affirmativeResponse2;
                return response;
            case 2:
                response = affirmativeResponse3;
                return response;
            case 3:
                response = affirmativeResponse4;
                return response;
            case 4:
                response = affirmativeResponse5;
                return response;
            case 5:
                response = affirmativeResponse6;
                return response;
            case 6:
                response = affirmativeResponse7;
                return response;
            case 7:
                response = affirmativeResponse8;
                return response;
            case 8:
                response = affirmativeResponse9;
                return response;
            case 9:
                response = affirmativeResponse10;
                return response;
            case 10:
                response = nonCommittalResponse1;
                return response;
            case 11:
                response = nonCommittalResponse2;
                return response;
            case 12:
                response = nonCommittalResponse3;
                return response;
            case 13:
                response = nonCommittalResponse4;
                return response;
            case 14:
                response = nonCommittalResponse5;
                return response;
            case 15:
                response = negativeResponse1;
                return response;
            case 16:
                response = negativeResponse2;
                return response;
            case 17:
                response = negativeResponse3;
                return response;
            case 18:
                response = negativeResponse4;
                return response;
            case 19:
                response = negativeResponse5;
                return response;




  1. This is because when you return, you exit the function. It will never reach the break because you return right before it. The fix is simple. Just remove the breaks.

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  2. When you return a value from a function, nothing after that return can be ran – you’re leaving the function. Therefore the breaks will never be reached because there is always a return right before them.

    You also don’t need to assign the return value to the response variable, you can just write

    return affirmativeResponseX;
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  3. the "return" keyword pretty much ends the method so you don’t really need to add the "break;" in this instance. Also you need to a default condition when using switch statements and lastly your string response needs to be set to the console.readline.

                public static void Main(string[] args)
                    Console.WriteLine("Ask you question to the Magic 8 Ball: ");
                    string response = Console.ReadLine(); 
                    response = Responses(response);
                public static string Responses(string response)
                    string affirmativeResponse1 = "It is certain.";
                    string affirmativeResponse2 = "It is decidedly so.";
                    string affirmativeResponse3 = "Without a doubt.";
                    string affirmativeResponse4 = "Yes definitely.";
                    string affirmativeResponse5 = "You may rely on it.";
                    string affirmativeResponse6 = "As I see it, yes.";
                    string affirmativeResponse7 = "Most likely.";
                    string affirmativeResponse8 = "Outlook good.";
                    string affirmativeResponse9 = "Yes.";
                    string affirmativeResponse10 = "Signs point to yes.";
                    string nonCommittalResponse1 = "Reply hazy, try again.";
                    string nonCommittalResponse2 = "Ask again later.";
                    string nonCommittalResponse3 = "Better not tell you now.";
                    string nonCommittalResponse4 = "Cannot predict now.";
                    string nonCommittalResponse5 = "Concentrate and ask again.";
                    string negativeResponse1 = "Don't count on it.";
                    string negativeResponse2 = "My reply is no.";
                    string negativeResponse3 = "My sources say no.";
                    string negativeResponse4 = "Outlook not so good.";
                    string negativeResponse5 = "Very doubtful.";
                    int numberOfResponse;
                    Random var = new Random();
                    numberOfResponse = var.Next(20);
                    switch (numberOfResponse)
                        case 0:
                            response = affirmativeResponse1;
                            return response;
                        case 1:
                            response = affirmativeResponse2;
                            return response;
                        case 2:
                            response = affirmativeResponse3;
                            return response;
                        case 3:
                            response = affirmativeResponse4;
                            return response;
                        case 4:
                            response = affirmativeResponse5;
                            return response;
                        case 5:
                            response = affirmativeResponse6;
                            return response;
                        case 6:
                            response = affirmativeResponse7;
                            return response;
                        case 7:
                            response = affirmativeResponse8;
                            return response;
                        case 8:
                            response = affirmativeResponse9;
                            return response;
                        case 9:
                            response = affirmativeResponse10;
                            return response;
                        case 10:
                            response = nonCommittalResponse1;
                            return response;
                        case 11:
                            response = nonCommittalResponse2;
                            return response;
                        case 12:
                            response = nonCommittalResponse3;
                            return response;
                        case 13:
                            response = nonCommittalResponse4;
                            return response;
                        case 14:
                            response = nonCommittalResponse5;
                            return response;
                        case 15:
                            response = negativeResponse1;
                            return response;
                        case 16:
                            response = negativeResponse2;
                            return response;
                        case 17:
                            response = negativeResponse3;
                            return response;
                        case 18:
                            response = negativeResponse4;
                            return response;
                        case 19:
                            response = negativeResponse5;
                            return response;
                            response = affirmativeResponse1;
                            return response;
            }    ```
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