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I have created a SQL script file with a bunch of insert’s into a table if the values do not already exist.

It’s made up with a series of:

INSERT INTO Departments (Number, [Name])
    SELECT 3, 'TOPS'
    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT Number FROM Departments
                      WHERE Number = 3)

I have been asked if I can create a migration script in Visual Studio Entity Framework so that other devs can run it using EF code-first and calling the update-database command.

I have no idea how to create a migration script to run this. Any pointers appreciated.



  1. You should probably use the built in data seeding functions. Add a .HasData call to your dataContext file, i.e.

    modelBuilder.Entity<Departments>().HasData(new Department{Number = 3, Name = "TOPS"});

    and use the regular Add-Migration command to generate a migration. You could also add an empty migration and manually insert migrationBuilder.Sql(...) to run arbitrary sql code.

    See Migrations overview for a general overview of the migration concept

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  2. Based on your comment on the question, it appears that you want to be able to use already-prepared SQL code specifically. In that case, you can simply generate an empty migration and then execute some arbitrary SQL. Here’s an example migration from a current project of mine:

    using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
    #nullable disable
    namespace SI.Gbrmpa.Eotr.Model.Migrations
        public partial class MergeFluorescingBleachingSeverityIntoPaleInReefHealthAndImpactSurveyCoralBleachingObservation : Migration
            protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
            protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
                // Changes cannot be rolled back.

    and here’s the DatabaseUpdater.DataManager class:

    public static class DataManager
        public static void MergeFluorescingBleachingSeverityIntoPaleInReefHealthAndImpactSurveyCoralBleachingObservation(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)

    That resource is a string containing SQL code.

    You can do basically the same thing, with or without the additional class, and the SQL can he hard-coded or whatever. You’d obviously also want to provide a rollback mechanism if at all possible. This one required manual intervention but we have others that downgrade automatically.

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  3. You can create an empty migrations

    Add-Migration "My INSERT INTO"

    public partial class Mynewemptymigration : DbMigration
        public override void Up()
            @"INSERT INTO Departments (Number, [Name])
            SELECT 3, 'TOPS'
            WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT Number FROM Departments
                      WHERE Number = 3)"
        public override void Down()
             //Rollback here

    Update-Database –your options

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