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My data is being generated at a JsonResult which output is below.

public JsonResult SampleAAA(Guid xxxxx){
    //Code ...

    return Json(new
        success = true,
    }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

From an ActionResult I need to call that JsonResult and get those lists.

public ActionResult SampleBBB(Guid xxxxx){

    var result = SampleAAA(xxxx);
    //How can I access 'listA' and 'listB' ?

    //Other code ...

    Return View();

How can I access those lists? I do see result.Data content, but I can’t reach those lists to continue my code at Visual Studio.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thanks for all replies. After more research I've managed to solve with the code below.

    public ActionResult SampleBBB(Guid xxxxx){
        var result = SampleAAA(xxxx);
        //Steps to have access to those information:
        string stringJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(result.Data);
        var resultString = JObject.Parse(stringJson);
        var outputA = resultString["listA"].Value<string>();

  2. you can try this code

     var result = SampleAAA(xxxx);
     var jsonObject = (JObject)result.Value;
     bool success =  (bool)jsonObject["success"];

    and it’s much better to use JsonResult

    return new JsonResult(new
            success = true,
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  3. Using .Net 5+ you can do this:

    using System.Text.Json;
    var doc = JsonDocument.Parse(YOUR_JSON);
    var property = doc.RootElement.GetProperty("ListA");
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