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Is there a way to search (aka "grep") some Go code, and show all functions/methods which return a struct called "FooBar"?

A command-line tool would be fine, or a way to do this in vscode.

In vscode, if I use "Go to References" I see the methods of this struct, too (which I don’t want to see)

Update: I know how to use grep via the vscode terminal. But using grep or rg for this task is error-prone. I am looking for an AST-based solution.



  1. You can try to use callgraph and grep combination to parse go code and find required returning value in functions signature.


    go install


    ✳️ project structure

    ├── main.go
    ├── go.mod
    ├── service
    │   └── service.go
    └── types
        └── type.go

    ✳️ service.go

    package service
    import ""
    func ReturnX() types.X {
        return types.X{}
    type Service struct {
    func (Service) ReturnX() types.X {
        return types.X{}
    func (Service) ReturnPtrX() *types.X {
        return &types.X{}

    ✳️ type.go

    package types
    type X struct {

    ✳️ main.go

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        s := service.Service{}
    func A() string {
        return ""
    % callgraph -format '{{.Caller}}--{{.Dynamic}}-{{.Line}}:{{.Column}}-->{{.Callee}} - {{.Callee.Signature.Results}}}' main.go | grep types.X
    command-line-arguments.A--static-16:17--> - (}
    command-line-arguments.main--static-11:11-->( - (}
    command-line-arguments.main--static-12:14-->( - (*}

    to configure format look at the source. For example .Callee is ssa.Function type -> you can use text/template syntax to reach it value ({{.Callee.Signature.Results}}})

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  2. Summary:

    • Loads the active directory.
    • Skips any node that is not in the path:
      Package > File > FuncDecl
    • Traverses the AST with DFS.
    • Prints the names of found functions.
    • Can work with variations of FooBar, such as *FooBar, []FooBar, map[FooBar]any
    func recursivelySearchForIdent(node ast.Node, identName string) bool {
        matchFound := false
        ast.Inspect(node, func(n ast.Node) bool {
            if n == nil {
                return false
            if n, ok := n.(*ast.Ident); ok {
                if n.Name == identName {
                    matchFound = true
            return true
        return matchFound
    func main() {
        packageName := "my_package"
        structName := "FooBar"
        pkgs, err := parser.ParseDir(token.NewFileSet(), ".", nil, parser.AllErrors)
        if err != nil {
            log.Println(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load directory"))
        if _, ok := pkgs[packageName]; !ok {
            log.Fatalln("failed to load package")
        pkg := pkgs[packageName]
        selectedFuncDecls := []*ast.FuncDecl{}
        ast.Inspect(pkg, func(n ast.Node) bool {
            if n == nil {
                return false
            switch n := n.(type) {
            case *ast.Package, *ast.File:
                return true
            case *ast.FuncDecl:
                if n.Type.Results != nil {
                    if recursivelySearchForIdent(n.Type.Results, structName) {
                        selectedFuncDecls = append(selectedFuncDecls, n)
            return false
        for _, funcDecl := range selectedFuncDecls {
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