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i have many pieces of code same for example like this


Can i somehow modify it to this? Is there any kind of function like in Excel or something like that please? Imagination write it manualy each is horrible

alt="Greece 1"
alt="Greece 2"
alt="Greece 3"
alt="Greece 200"



  1. You can use the extension Regex Text Generator

    • select the word Greece
    • select all cases you want with
      • Ctrl+D multiple times
      • Ctrl+Shift+L to select all
      • use Shift+Alt+Click to create multiple cursors
    • if needed RightArrow to get all cursors after the word Greece
    • execute command: Generate text based on Regular Expression (regex)
    • As Original Text Regex use: .*
    • As Generator Regex use: {{=i+1}} (watch the space as first char)
    • Look at the preview, use Esc to cancel and Enter to accept

    You can use any calculation based on i you want and you can also match number in the selected text and use that in the calculation N[...].

    You can also add the word Greece by using Greece {{=i+1}}

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  2. You have a couple of options. First, using the extension, Find and Transform (disclaimer, I wrote that extension, this is very easy. Make this keybinding in your keybindings.json (after installing the extension):

      "key": "alt+n",          // whatever keybinding you like
      "command": "findInCurrentFile",
      "args": {
        "find": "(alt="Greece")",
        "replace": "$1 ${matchNumber}",
        "isRegex": true

    Actually you can make it even easier if you first select what you want to modify (see the demo below). Then use this simple keybinding:

      "key": "alt+n",
      "command": "findInCurrentFile",
      "args": {
        "replace": "$1 ${matchNumber}",  // what you select will be put into $1
        "isRegex": true

    add a matchIndex to a line

    Another option – not quite as easy

    Snippets have a variable $CURSOR_NUMBER which is useful here.

    Make this keybinding:

      "key": "alt+n",
      "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
      "args": {
        "snippet": "$TM_SELECTED $CURSOR_NUMBER"
      "when": "editorHasSelection"
    1. Do a find on your desired text match: alt="Greece"
    2. Ctrl+Shift+L to select all occurrences of the find match.
    3. Trigger the snippet via its keybinding.

    Demo of this method:

    demo of using snippet with $CUROSR_NUMBER

    So this second method is more steps but doesn’t require an extension.

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