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How can I customize or change the font color displayed in the editor, such as those shown by linters or code analysis tools?

I want to customize the font color for

Undefined name `abc`RuffF821
"abc" is not definedPylancereportUndefinedVariable



  1. Open settings.json (Open Preferences > Settings > Workbench: Color Customizations)

    Then modify the workbench.colorCustomizations block to include the editorHoverWidget.foreground key so it looks something like this:

    "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
        "editorHoverWidget.foreground": "#00ff00",

    (or replace with whichever color you want)

    If this worked for you, please accept the answer

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  2. On settings.json, set the following to have this :


        "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
            "[One Dark Pro]": {   // your theme name
                "textLink.foreground": "#00ffff",  
                "editorHoverWidget.statusBarBackground":"#008800"   // as a bonus
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