platform: windows 10
golang version : go1.21.1 windows/amd64
dlv version : Delve Debugger Version: 1.21.1
launch json:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch Package",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "debug",
"program": "${fileDirname}"
when I start debug with vscode , It shows :
DAP server listening at:
Build Error: go build -o xxxxprojectrpcclientsrc__debug_bin3964848569.exe -gcflags all=-N -l .
client.go:4:2: package fmt is not in std (C:UsersAdmingosrcfmt)
client.go:5:2: package net/rpc is not in std (C:UsersAdmingosrcnetrpc)
package rpc/client/src: cannot find package (exit status 1)
but project can be build successful.
How did I solved this problem? thanks
but project can be build successful.
How did I solved this problem? thanks
After opening your vs code click on main.go file or a file whose package name is (package main) then launch your debugger.
link for more detail.