The permutations of a mixed radix number can be ordered to achieve Grayness (in the sense of Gray code) with optimal balance and span length. Each of these constraints will be explained in turn. In my examples, I use a mixed radix number consisting of a base 2 digit, a base 3 digit, and a base 4 digit. This set is called [234], and it has 2 × 3 × 4 = 24 permutations. The permutations are listed below, in ascending order. For compactness, the digits are shown as rows, with the top row corresponding to the set’s first digit. The leftmost column is the first permutation 000, the next column is the second permutation 001, then 002, 003, 010, 011, 012, 013, and so on.
2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
4: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
In the above set, multiple digits may change from one permutation to the next. For example, between the fourth and fifth permutations (003 and 010), two digits change at once. To make a Gray set, we must reorder the permutations so that only one digit changes at a time. This constraint includes the wraparound from the first to the last permutation. Below is [234] reordered to be Gray:
2: 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
3: 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0
4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3
The above set is Gray, but not balanced. To be balanced, each of the set’s digits must change the same number of times, or as close as possible. In the above set, the 2’s place changes 10 times, the 3’s place changes 7 times, and the 4’s place also changes 7 times. A set’s imbalance is the absolute value of the difference between its minimum and maximum digit changes, in this case 10 – 7 = 3. Below is [234] reordered to have optimal balance; each digit changes 8 times, so the imbalance is now zero:
2: 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
3: 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 0
4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2
The above set is Gray and balanced, but digits get stuck for longer than we’d like. For example, the 4’s place stays zero for the first six permutations. This constitutes a span, with a length of six. In the above set, the maximum span length is six. For optimal granularity, the maximum span should be as short as possible. Below is [234] reordered so that the maximum span length is four instead of six:
2: 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
3: 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 2 0
4: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3
The above ordering of [234] is Gray, optimally balanced, and minimizes stuck digits. It’s the best we can do for this particular set. But for larger sets, such as [345], optimal solutions are much harder to find, because my code is too slow. Can a MIP solver do better? The solution should be coded in a language that’s supported by one of the solvers available at NEOS, because these are the only high-quality solvers I have access to (for example CPLEX via AMPL, GAMS, LP, MPS, or NL). The application is atonal music theory, hence only sets with ranges of twelve or less are relevant. The complete list of sets I’m trying to optimize is here.
EDIT: Some commenters asked about my code, so I’m enclosing it below. I use Visual Studio 2012, but this code should compile fairly easily in any C++ compiler. I use x64 (64-bit code).
// Copyleft 2023 Chris Korda
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
// BalaGray.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// This app computes balanced Gray code sequences, for use in music theory.
#include "stdafx.h" // precompiled header
#include "stdint.h" // standard sizes
#include "vector" // growable array
#include "fstream" // file I/O
#include "assert.h" // debugging
using namespace std;
#define MORE_PLACES 0 // set non-zero to use more than four places
#define DO_PRUNING 1 // set non-zero to do branch pruning and reduce runtime
class CBalaGray {
// Construction
// Attributes
int GetPermCount() const { return static_cast<int>(m_arrPerm.size()); }
// Operations
void Reset();
void Calc(int nPlaces, const uint8_t *arrRange);
// Constants
enum {
MAX_RANGE = 255,
enum { // pruning thresholds may require manual tuning; see notes in set list
// Types
union PERM { // permutation; size depends on MAX_PLACES
uint8_t b[MAX_PLACES]; // array of places
uint64_t dw; // double word containing all places
uint32_t dw; // double word containing all places
struct STATE { // crawler stack element
uint8_t iPerm; // permutation index
uint8_t iGray; // Gray neighbor index
PERM nTrans; // transition counts, one per place
typedef vector<PERM> CPermArray;
typedef vector<STATE> CStateArray;
typedef vector<uint8_t> CPlaceArray; // enough for atonal music theory
// Member data
int m_nPlaces; // number of places
int m_nGrayPerms; // number of Gray permutations reachable from a permutation
int m_nGrayStrideShift; // stride of Gray permutations array, as a shift in bits
CPlaceArray m_arrRange; // array of ranges, one for each place
CPermArray m_arrPerm; // array of permutations
CPlaceArray m_arrGray; // 2D table of permutations reachable from each permutation
CStateArray m_arrState; // array of states; crawler stack
ofstream m_fOut; // output file
// Helpers
int Pack(const PERM& perm) const;
void MakePerms(int nPlaces, const uint8_t *arrRange);
void MakeGrayTable();
void DumpGrayTablePerms() const;
void DumpPerm(const PERM& perm) const;
void DumpPerms() const;
void DumpSet() const;
void WriteBalanceToLog(int nImbalance, int nMaxTrans, int nMaxSpan);
void WriteSequenceToLog(int iDepth);
bool IsGray(PERM p1, PERM p2) const;
int ComputeBalance(int iDepth, int& nMaxTrans, PERM& nTransCounts) const;
int ComputeMaxSpan(int iDepth) const;
{"BalaGrayIter.txt", ios_base::out); // open output file
assert(m_fOut != NULL);
void CBalaGray::Reset()
m_nPlaces = 0;
int CBalaGray::Pack(const PERM& perm) const
int nPacked = perm.b[m_nPlaces - 1]; // init total to first place
for (int iPlace = m_nPlaces - 2; iPlace >= 0; iPlace--) { // for each subsequent place
nPacked *= m_arrRange[iPlace]; // multiply total by places's range
nPacked += perm.b[iPlace]; // add place to total
return nPacked;
void CBalaGray::MakePerms(int nPlaces, const uint8_t *arrRange)
m_nPlaces = nPlaces;
int nPerms = 1;
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
assert(arrRange[iPlace] > 1); // radix must be at least binary
m_arrRange[iPlace] = arrRange[iPlace]; // store range
nPerms *= arrRange[iPlace]; // update range
for (int iPerm = 0; iPerm < nPerms; iPerm++) {
PERM perm;
perm.dw = 0;
int nVal = iPerm;
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
int nRange = m_arrRange[iPlace];
perm.b[iPlace] = nVal % nRange;
nVal /= nRange;
m_arrPerm[iPerm] = perm;
void CBalaGray::MakeGrayTable()
// Build 2D table of permutations reachable from each permutation.
// One row for each permutation, one column for each Gray neighbor.
// Each element is a permutation index, and must be dereferenced.
int nPlaces = m_nPlaces;
int nGrayPerms = 0;
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
nGrayPerms += m_arrRange[iPlace] - 1; // one less than place's range
// Compute stride of Gray permutations array; to avoid multiplication,
// round up stride to nearest power of two and convert it to a shift.
unsigned long iFirstBitPos;
_BitScanReverse(&iFirstBitPos, nGrayPerms - 1);
int nStrideShift = 1 << iFirstBitPos;
m_arrGray.resize(m_arrPerm.size() << nStrideShift);
int nPerms = GetPermCount();
for (int iPerm = 0; iPerm < nPerms; iPerm++) { // for each permutation
int iCol = 0;
PERM rowPerm, colPerm;
rowPerm.dw = m_arrPerm[iPerm].dw;
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
int nRange = m_arrRange[iPlace]; // place's range
for (int iVal = 0; iVal < nRange; iVal++) { // for of place's values
if (iVal != rowPerm.b[iPlace]) { // if value differs from row value
colPerm.dw = rowPerm.dw; // column permutation is same as row
colPerm.b[iPlace] = iVal; // except one place differs (Gray)
m_arrGray[(iPerm << nStrideShift) + iCol] = Pack(colPerm);
iCol++; // next column
m_nGrayPerms = nGrayPerms; // save in member var
m_nGrayStrideShift = nStrideShift;
void CBalaGray::DumpPerm(const PERM& perm) const
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < m_nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
printf("%d ", perm.b[iPlace]);
void CBalaGray::DumpPerms() const
int nPerms = GetPermCount();
for (int iPerm = 0; iPerm < nPerms; iPerm++) {
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < m_nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
printf("%d ", m_arrPerm[iPerm].b[iPlace]);
void CBalaGray::DumpGrayTablePerms() const
int nPerms = GetPermCount();
for (int iPerm = 0; iPerm < nPerms; iPerm++) { // for each permutation
printf(": ");
for (int iGray = 0; iGray < m_nGrayPerms; iGray++) { // for each Gray neighbor
int iPerm2 = m_arrGray[(iPerm << m_nGrayStrideShift) + iGray];
void CBalaGray::DumpSet() const
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < m_nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
printf("%d", m_arrRange[iPlace]);
void CBalaGray::WriteBalanceToLog(int nImbalance, int nMaxTrans, int nMaxSpan)
m_fOut << "balance = " << nImbalance << ", maxtrans = " << nMaxTrans << ", maxspan = " << nMaxSpan << 'n';
void CBalaGray::WriteSequenceToLog(int iDepth)
int nPerms = GetPermCount();
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < m_nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
for (int iPerm = 0; iPerm < nPerms; iPerm++) {
m_fOut << int(m_arrPerm[m_arrState[iPerm].iPerm].b[iPlace]) << ' ';
m_fOut << 'n';
m_fOut << 'n';
__forceinline bool CBalaGray::IsGray(PERM p1, PERM p2) const
// Returns true if the given permutations differ by exactly one place.
bool bDiff = false;
int nPlaces = m_nPlaces;
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
if (p1.b[iPlace] != p2.b[iPlace]) { // if places differ
if (!bDiff) { // if first difference
bDiff = true; // set flag
} else { // not first difference
return false; // not Gray; early out
return bDiff;
void CBalaGray::Calc(int nPlaces, const uint8_t *arrRange)
assert(nPlaces >= 0 && nPlaces <= MAX_PLACES);
MakePerms(nPlaces, arrRange);
// DumpPerms();
// DumpGrayTablePerms();
int nPermGrays = m_nGrayPerms;
int nGrayStrideShift = m_nGrayStrideShift;
int nPerms = GetPermCount();
printf("nPlaces=%dn", nPlaces);
printf("nPerms=%dn", nPerms);
int nBestImbalance = INT_MAX;
int nBestMaxTrans = INT_MAX;
int nBestMaxSpan = INT_MAX;
uint64_t nPasses = 0;
uint64_t nPermUsedMask[2] = {0}; // need 128 bits, as number of permutations may exceed 64
int iDepth = 2; // first two levels are constant to save time; all sequences start with 0, 1
m_arrState[1].iPerm = 1;
m_arrState[1].nTrans.b[0] = 1;
nPermUsedMask[0] = 0x3;
int nStartDepth = iDepth;
while (1) {
int iPrevPerm = m_arrState[iDepth - 1].iPerm;
int iGray = m_arrState[iDepth].iGray;
int iPerm = m_arrGray[(iPrevPerm << nGrayStrideShift) + iGray]; // optimized 2D table addressing
int iUsedMask = iPerm >= ULONGLONG_BITS; // index selects one of two 64-bit masks
uint64_t nPermMask = 1ull << (iPerm & (ULONGLONG_BITS - 1));
if (!(nPermUsedMask[iUsedMask] & nPermMask)) { // if this permutation hasn't been used yet on this branch
m_arrState[iDepth].iPerm = iPerm; // save permutation index on stack
int nMaxTrans;
PERM nTransCounts;
int nImbalance = ComputeBalance(iDepth, nMaxTrans, nTransCounts);
if (iDepth < nPerms - 1) { // if incomplete sequence
// these constants may require tuning, see notes below
// if (nMaxTrans > PRUNE_MAXTRANS || nImbalance > PRUNE_IMBALANCE) { // slightly faster
if (nImbalance > PRUNE_IMBALANCE) {
goto lblPrune; // abandon this branch
// crawl one level deeper
nPermUsedMask[iUsedMask] |= nPermMask; // mark this permutation as used
m_arrState[iDepth].nTrans.dw = nTransCounts.dw; // save current transition counts on stack
iDepth++; // increment depth to next permutation
m_arrState[iDepth].iGray = 0; // reset index of Gray neighbors
m_arrState[iDepth].iPerm = 0; // reset permutation index
continue; // equivalent to recursion, but less overhead
} else { // reached a leaf: complete sequence, a potential winner
// if branch doesn't wrap around Gray
if (!IsGray(m_arrPerm[m_arrState[0].iPerm], m_arrPerm[m_arrState[nPerms - 1].iPerm])) {
goto lblPrune; // abandon this branch
// if max transition count or imbalance are worse than our current bests
if (nMaxTrans > nBestMaxTrans || nImbalance > nBestImbalance) {
goto lblPrune; // abandon this branch
int nMaxSpan = ComputeMaxSpan(iDepth); // compute maximum span length
// if max transition count and imbalance equal our current bests
if (nMaxTrans == nBestMaxTrans && nImbalance == nBestImbalance) {
if (nMaxSpan >= nBestMaxSpan) { // if max span didn't improve
goto lblPrune; // abandon this branch
// we have a winner, until something better comes along
nBestMaxTrans = nMaxTrans; // update best max transition count
nBestImbalance = nImbalance; // update best imbalance
nBestMaxSpan = nMaxSpan; // update best maximum span length
printf("balance = %d, maxtrans = %d, maxspan = %dn", nImbalance, nMaxTrans, nMaxSpan);
WriteBalanceToLog(nImbalance, nMaxTrans, nMaxSpan);
m_arrState[iDepth].iGray++; // increment Gray neighbor index
if (m_arrState[iDepth].iGray >= nPermGrays) { // if no more Gray neighbors for this permutation
if (iDepth <= nStartDepth) { // if we're at same level where we started
break; // exit main loop
} else { // sufficient levels remain above us
iDepth--; // back up a level
// restore bitmask that keeps track of which permutations we've used on this branch
int iPerm = m_arrState[iDepth].iPerm; // number of permutations may exceed 64
int iUsedMask = iPerm >= ULONGLONG_BITS; // index selects one of two 64-bit masks
uint64_t nPermMask = 1ull << (iPerm & (ULONGLONG_BITS - 1));
nPermUsedMask[iUsedMask] &= ~nPermMask; // mark this permutation as available again
m_arrState[iDepth].iGray++; // increment was skipped by continue statement above
if (m_arrState[iDepth].iGray >= nPermGrays) { // if no more Gray neighbors
goto lblPrune; // keep backing up
__forceinline int CBalaGray::ComputeBalance(int iDepth, int& nMaxTrans, PERM& nTransCounts) const
int nPlaces = m_nPlaces;
PERM nTrans;
nTrans.dw = m_arrState[iDepth - 1].nTrans.dw; // load latest transition counts from stack
// compare current state to previous state
PERM sPrev, sCur;
sPrev.dw = m_arrPerm[m_arrState[iDepth - 1].iPerm].dw;
sCur.dw = m_arrPerm[m_arrState[iDepth].iPerm].dw;
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
if (sCur.b[iPlace] != sPrev.b[iPlace]) { // if place transitioned
nTrans.b[iPlace]++; // increment place's transition count
nTransCounts = nTrans; // order matters; counts passed back to caller must exclude wraparound
// account for wraparound; compare current state to initial state, which is assumed to be zero
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
if (sCur.b[iPlace]) { // if place transitioned
nTrans.b[iPlace]++; // increment place's transition count
// now that we have latest transition counts, compute their min and max
int nMin = nTrans.b[0]; // initialize min and max to first transition count
int nMax = nTrans.b[0];
for (int iPlace = 1; iPlace < nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each transition count, excluding first
int n = nTrans.b[iPlace];
if (n < nMin) // if less than min
nMin = n; // update min
if (n > nMax) // if greater than max
nMax = n; // udpate max
nMaxTrans = nMax;
return nMax - nMin; // return difference
__forceinline int CBalaGray::ComputeMaxSpan(int iDepth) const
int arrSpan[MAX_PLACES];
int arrFirstSpan[MAX_PLACES];
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < m_nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
arrSpan[iPlace] = 1; // initial span length is one
arrFirstSpan[iPlace] = 0; // first span length not set
int nMaxSpan = 1;
PERM sFirst, sPrev;
sFirst.dw = m_arrPerm[m_arrState[0].iPerm].dw; // store first state
sPrev.dw = sFirst.dw;
for (int iState = 1; iState <= iDepth; iState++) { // for each state, excluding first
s.dw = m_arrPerm[m_arrState[iState].iPerm].dw; // compare this state to previous state
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < m_nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
if (s.b[iPlace] != sPrev.b[iPlace]) { // if place transitioned
if (arrSpan[iPlace] > nMaxSpan) // if span length exceeds max
nMaxSpan = arrSpan[iPlace]; // update max span length
if (!arrFirstSpan[iPlace]) // if first span length hasn't been set
arrFirstSpan[iPlace] = arrSpan[iPlace]; // save first span length
arrSpan[iPlace] = 1; // reset span length
} else { // place didn't transition
arrSpan[iPlace]++; // increment span length
sPrev = s; // update previous state
// wrap around from last to first state
for (int iPlace = 0; iPlace < m_nPlaces; iPlace++) { // for each place
if (sFirst.b[iPlace] != sPrev.b[iPlace]) { // if place transitioned
if (arrSpan[iPlace] > nMaxSpan) // if span length exceeds max
nMaxSpan = arrSpan[iPlace]; // update max span length
} else { // place didn't transition
arrSpan[iPlace] += arrFirstSpan[iPlace]; // compute wrapped span length
if (arrSpan[iPlace] > nMaxSpan) // if span length exceeds max
nMaxSpan = arrSpan[iPlace]; // update max span length
return nMaxSpan;
void test()
// All cases want PRUNE_IMBALANCE = 3 unless specified otherwise below.
// Pruning greatly reduces runtime, but the results may not be optimal.
// Proven means exited normally with pruning disabled (DO_PRUNING = 0).
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 10}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 9};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {4, 8};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {5, 7};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {6, 6};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 9}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 8};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {4, 7};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {5, 6};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 8}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 7};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {4, 6};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {5, 5};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 7}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 6}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {4, 5}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 6}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 5}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {4, 4}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 5}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 4}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 4}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 3}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 3}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 8};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 3, 7};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 4, 6};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 5, 5};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 3, 6};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 4, 5};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {4, 4, 4};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 7};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 3, 6};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 4, 5};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 3, 5};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 4, 4};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 6}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 3, 5};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 4, 4};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 3, 4};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 5}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 3, 4}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 3, 3};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 4}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 3, 3}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 3}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2, 6};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 3, 5}; // slow
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 4, 4};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 3, 3, 4}; // slow; wants PRUNE_IMBALANCE = 4
const uint8_t arrRange[] = {3, 3, 3, 3}; // slow
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2, 5};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 3, 4};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 3, 3, 3};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2, 4};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 3, 3}; // slow
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2, 3}; // proven
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2, 2}; // proven
// *** following cases require MORE_PLACES to be non-zero ***
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2, 2, 4}; // wants PRUNE_IMBALANCE = 2
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2, 3, 3}; // wants PRUNE_IMBALANCE = 4
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2, 2, 3}; // wants PRUNE_IMBALANCE = 2
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2};
// const uint8_t arrRange[] = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2};
CBalaGray bg;
bg.Calc(_countof(arrRange), arrRange);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;
Within CPLEX, I would use CPOptimizer.
For instance, in OPL
and with 3,3,3,3 and a 12000 time limit I got
and after 10 hours
In order to get
I slightly improved the model
NB: You can use CPLEX for free in the cloud with this OPL API
Well, after some tinkering, I have an Integer Program running for this, that I think is producing quality results. Tried a couple approaches…each had differing limitations
It is a little grotesque in parts as the counting of repeat digits is quite cumbersome.
It really bogs down for things with ~30 states or more, so it’s not going to make it to the finish line. 🙂 I think it is much more nimble if I remove the repeat counting, and I’ll tinker a bit more. In the interim, here are some results for the cases not marked as proven on your web page. The (4, 6) run (second run) is an improvement, the other 2 are now "proven" as stated, perhaps with a different sequence, I didn’t x-check.
I’ll update later with any other improvements.