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Using VSCode find/replace, how would I find all strings within a file conforming to the following, and replace all dashes in some-text-that-looks-like-this with underscores?

text: some-text-that-looks-like-this 
{text: some-text-that-looks-like-this}
text: some-text-that-looks-like-this, some other text....

All strings of "some-text-that-looks-like-this" start with "some-text".

I do some regex and I can find all instances of some-text-that-looks-like-this, i.e.


But have no clue how to replace '-' with '_' at running time.



  1. I do some regex and i can find all instances of some-text-that-looks-like-this, i.e.


    After that, do CtrlShiftP -> Select All Occurences of Find Match to select all matching words.

    Then click Find in Selection button (the button with three horizontal lines in the "find" popup).

    Then just type - in "find" and _ in "replace", and click Replace All.

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  2. If the text: is actually in the text you are searching (and not just in your question to illustrate the issue) you can do this with a single regex:

    Find: (?<=text: some-text[-w]*)-|(?<=text: )(some)-(text)
    Replace: $1_$2

    See regex101 demo

    This will work in vscode’s Find Widget (within the current file), but not in the Search view (across multiple files) due to the non-fixed length lookbehind.

    When the first part of the regex matches ((?<=text: some-text[-w]*)-) there is no capture group 1 or 2 so the replace $1_$2 will only replace the matched -‘s.

    When the second part of the regex ((?<=text: )(some)-(text)) matches then $1 = some and $2 = text .

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