I follow step on
I already did vcpkg integrate install in the first place
"name": "vcpkg-test",
"version-string": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": ["concurrencpp"]
VS Studio Command Line
vcpkg x-update-baseline --add-initial-baseline
vcpkg install --triplet-x64-windows
D:project_CPPC++_studyvcpkg_projectcpp20-test>vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows
Fetching registry information from (HEAD)...
Detecting compiler hash for triplet x64-windows...
The following packages will be built and installed:
concurrencpp[core]:x64-windows -> 0.1.7 -- C:UsersmichaelyinAppDataLocalvcpkgregistriesgit-trees5eb63527141d7d261b6e99945f81bf43e293cc8b
* vcpkg-cmake[core]:x64-windows -> 2023-05-04 -- C:UsersmichaelyinAppDataLocalvcpkgregistriesgit-trees88a7058fc7fa73a9c4c99cfcae9d79e2abf87a5a
* vcpkg-cmake-config[core]:x64-windows -> 2022-02-06#1 -- C:UsersmichaelyinAppDataLocalvcpkgregistriesgit-trees8d54cc4f487d51b655abec5f9c9c3f86ca83311f
Additional packages (*) will be modified to complete this operation.
Restored 3 package(s) from C:UsersmichaelyinAppDataLocalvcpkgarchives in 1.2 s. Use --debug to see more details.
Installing 1/3 vcpkg-cmake-config:x64-windows...
Elapsed time to handle vcpkg-cmake-config:x64-windows: 43.9 ms
Installing 2/3 vcpkg-cmake:x64-windows...
Elapsed time to handle vcpkg-cmake:x64-windows: 51.1 ms
Installing 3/3 concurrencpp:x64-windows...
Elapsed time to handle concurrencpp:x64-windows: 214 ms
Total install time: 1.5 s
concurrencpp provides CMake targets:
# this is heuristically generated, and may not be correct
find_package(concurrencpp CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE concurrencpp::concurrencpp)
my test code, same as documentation above
#include "concurrencpp/concurrencpp.h"
#include <iostream>
int main() {
return 0;
I expect the linking is handled automatically, but in fact not the case
Error :Error (active) E1696 cannot open source file "concurrencpp/concurrencpp.h" cpp20new D:project_CPPC++_studycpp20newcpp20newcpp20new.cpp 4
only use CMake approach, for reference
this seems working?
Without using vcpkg, and only use CMAKE, it will work
(1)create a cmake project in Visual Studio
(2)in same root, follow instruction there
$ git clone
$ cd concurrencpp
$ cmake -S . -B build/lib
edit my project cmake
project ("CMakeProject1")
# Add source to this project's executable.
add_executable (CMakeProject1 "CMakeProject1.cpp" "CMakeProject1.h")
FetchContent_Declare(concurrencpp SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/concurrencpp")
target_compile_features(CMakeProject1 PRIVATE cxx_std_20)
target_link_libraries(CMakeProject1 PRIVATE concurrencpp::concurrencpp)
But my main question is, how can I use vcpkg to manage library, can I do it without CMAKE?
Let me answer myself question, in case it is blocking for someone
For VS Studio, above is correct, but there is one extra config missing(The exact anwer I'm looking for)
!. No need to create a CMAke project, creat a normal Console project is enough 2.Assume you did above steps, in VS studio, you need to do extra config enter image description here
Will leave VS code config to other people
So there are two questions here:
You already answered this yourself. Write a
and invoke vcpkg with it. Simply do the same asvcpkg.cmake
here manually:
Es but you need to setup all required lookup paths (e.g. include/library paths etc.) on your own which is a tedious endaveour.