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I found that Visual Studio 2022 has a rich autocompletion feature, in particular it suggests methods and properties from DOM API, it smartly recognizes the type of variables and suggests the proper methods and so on.

Visual Studio 2022 Experience

Visual Studio Experience in Javascript

VS Code

In the highly-acclaimed vscode there is no autocomplete in javascript files, even though they say javascript is supported out of box. Please see the same code being written in vs code: no autocompletion at all!
VS Code Experience in Javascript

Is it possible to have in vs code autocompletion like that in visual studio?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Eventually, I found that there must be some strange configuration somewhere that caused the problem. Installing vscode in a different computer, it works fine out of box.

  2. That file doesn’t have an extension yet, so it’s hard for the editor to detect the language

    You can change the language manually from the status bar in the bottom, just click the button that says Plain Text and select JavaScript from the list

    enter image description here

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