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Given a path of a file or folder that is in a VS Code workspace, is there an API I can use to determine if it’s Git-controlled and look up the associated remote repository URL? This would be for a custom extension.



  1. I am not sure if this answers your question, but if it is something you are working on, there is a hidden git folder in the root folder. ".git" which has a config file with the remote url listed.

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  2. Try this code. It gets the workspace folder of the file you are interested in. And then checks if that is one of the git repositories that you have opened – it works for single root or multiroot workspaces where a file may be in a root folder that may or may not be in a git repo.

        const gitExtension = vscode.extensions.getExtension('vscode.git').exports;
        const api = gitExtension.getAPI(1);
        // some file you are interested in, get a uri from it
        // note forward slashes
        const myUri = vscode.Uri.file('C:/Users/Mark/OneDrive/TestMultiRoot/Test.js');
        // note double backslashes also work
        // const myUri = vscode.Uri.file('C:\Users\Mark\OneDrive\TestMultiRoot\Test.js');
        // below single backslashes - DO NOT WORK
        // const myUri = vscode.Uri.file('C:UsersMarkOneDrivecommand-aliasscratchpad.txt');
        const repo = api.repositories.find(repo => {
            // to test current editor, below returns the workspaceFolder
            // const inThisFolder = vscode.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.uri);
            const inThisFolder = vscode.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(myUri);
            return inThisFolder?.uri?.fsPath === repo?.rootUri?.fsPath;
        if (!repo) return;  // no git repo for this file
        const repoPath = repo.repository.remotes[0].fetchUrl;
        // repoPath is like ""
        // note that 'remotes' is an array, it will contain CLONES of the original repository
        // but it appears that remotes[0] is the current working repository you are interested in, check

    See also and Git integration for Visual Studio Code especially the part about extensionDependencies.

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