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I have installed a new laptop with the software and now VS Code can’t read the pipes any more. My colleague has the same applications with their versions installed and is able to run the Angular project without problems.

This is not a problem with the declarations. As mentioned, it was working perfectly fine on my old laptop and on the laptop of my colleague. If I run the project, all is looking good, all pipes are working as expected.

The strange thing is that not all pipes are recognised, some do, some do not…

  • Line 15: No problem with the translate pipe
  • Line 16: No problem with the translate pipe
  • Line 18: translate pipe not recognised
  • … and more, see the errors (it is not only the translate pipe, but is used most in our projects

enter image description here

Things I tried:

  • Reinstalling Node versions (so I was on the same version as my colleague)
  • Removing the complete project on the disk including their dependencies/packages

Versions that we (my colleague and I) have installed:

Visual Studio Code

enter image description here

Angular CLI

enter image description here

Nodes in nvm

  * 16.20.2 (Currently using 64-bit executable)

Windows (only my computer-version)

enter image description here

All help is appreciated 👍🏻



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I have found the solution: Apparently it was the VS Code extension Angular Language Service (from Angular themselves) which was causing these problems. When the extension is disabled I had no errors and enabling it back again the errors popped up.

    I installed previous versions (up to 11.2.14) in the hope that I get rid of the errors, but no luck. When updating to the newest and reloading the extension: it was fixed!

    No problems have been detected in the workspace. is a good thing to see. And I can also view more info when hovering on the translate pipe:

    Information when hovering on the translate pipe

    Hopefully other people can apply this solution for them as well.

    Greetings, Krant

  2. The issue might be related to another error. First, try to resolve the other problems (ngModel & bsConfig).

    If that doesn’t help, try clearing your Angular cache:

    1. Close your IDE
    2. Run ng cache clean
    3. Delete the .angular folder in your project directory
    4. Delete the node_modules folder
    5. Run npm install
    6. Restart the project and see if it has helped

    If none of these steps work, please post more of your code (Module, Component).

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