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I’m using the Visual Studio Code. I never want autocomplete functions with semicolon in JS.
Like when I type log + TAB, it appears console.log(); with semicolon at the end.

How can I stop auto-complete semicolon at the end of JS functions.



  1. Go to Preferences of VSCode and search the semicolons. Then select ignore option.
    enter image description here

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  2. To make VSCode insert console.log({}) instead of console.log({}); when you type log and then press tab, you need to edit the snippet’s body.

    1. Press shift + command + p and type snippets
    2. Select Preferences: Configure User Snippets
    3. Select console.log().code-snippets
    4. Change line 23 from "console.log({$0});" to "console.log({$0})"
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