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i have multiple markdown files that contain images without alt that look like:

# my file


# this is an example image


i want to replace them with alt from the filename but without the .png extension & without ./ & replacing hyphens (- ) with empty spaces.

so the above markdown would look like:

# my file

![filename 1](./filename-1.png)

# this is an example image

![this is an example image](./this-is-an-example-image.png)

i can’t do this manually as i have 100+ images so would love to automate this with a regex using vscode’s find & replace.

i had previously removed alt but want it back now. i didn’t version control it so can’t go back either.

how do i do it?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    this is the demo on regex101 to find the group between ./ & .png

    important: i enabled the search in each file, not the sidebar & ticked the .* button that says use regular expression

    then i typed the following:

    find: ![](./(.*).png)
    replace: ![$1](./$1.png)

    this converts:




    this finds the string between each bracket [ & ] but i couldn't figure out how to use it in vscode.

    i have to convert [a-filename] by replacing - with empty spaces.

    find: ?
    replace: ?

  2. Here is how to do it with an extension, Find and Transform, that can run two find and replaces in a row. Install the extension and then make this keybinding (in your keybindings.json):

      "key": "alt+m",
      "command": "findInCurrentFile",
      "args": {
        "find": [
        "replace": ["![$3]($2$3$4", " "],
        "isRegex": true,
        "postCommands": "cancelSelection"

    I made it to handle other image formats which you may not need.

    The first find and replace just moves the filename (minus the leading . and trailing .png) into the ![].

    The second find matches just the - in that ![asdasd-asdasd-asdasd] and replaces those - with " " i.e., one space.

    add markdown image alt text

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