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I would like to read the file.json from in Python using:

with open("./childdir/file.json", 'r') as f:

But I’m getting FileNotFoundError.

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './childdir/file.json'

Would anyone mind solving this issue? I’m using WINDOWS operating system.



  1. First of all which OS are you using ? since windows uses and UNIX based OSes use /

    Bast approach would be to use path from os module like this:

    import os
    with open(os.path.join('childdir', 'file.json'), 'r')" as f:
        # YOUR CODE

    This is a better approach because it is platform independent since it creates the path appropriately based on the OS you are on.

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  2. This is because the file you want to open is in the subdirectory of your current working directory(where the python file is present).
    You need to consider 2 things here,

    1. Depends on the OS which you’re using, it’s either ‘/’ for UNIX-based &
      ” for Windows-based as separator in the file’s path

    2. we can either use the absolute path of the file and mode to open the file
      or with the path sub-module of that os module.

    # With absolute path in Windows 
     with open('F:parentDirectorysubdr2childdirfile.json', mode(r/a/w..)) as fl:
             # logic


    # with os.path submodule
      import os
      with open(os.path.join('childdir', 'file.json'), mode('r/w/a/..')) as fl:
            # logic
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  3. If you run within the subdir2 then all is well. The problem happens when you are not in subdir2. Here is the solution:

    import pathlib
    this_script = pathlib.Path(__file__)
    json_path = this_script.parent / "childdir" / "file.json"
    with open(json_path, 'r') as f:

    Since pathlib is cross-platform, this code should work under Windows. I tested it under Mac and linux.

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