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In SQL Server, I have an existing Document_Add stored procedure that works and returns a good DocID value (in Visual Studio vb code) and cannot change. Calling it like this in SQL:

EXEC @DocID = PADS2.dbo.Document_Add @SystemCode...

This runs the stored procedure, but @DocID is always 0 (whether declared as INT or varchar).

Expecting @DocID to be 2594631 or similar.

Any ideas?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    <If this is not the place to follow up, please advise.>

    Credit to rjs123431:

    SQL SP that ends like this:

        SELECT @Rslt = CONVERT(VARCHAR(2000),@NewId)
        select @Rslt;

    Returns a string '2680914' in vb:

    sDocid = DA.ExecScalarString(EXEC PADS2.DBO.[Document_Add] 'C', ...)

    But returns 0 when called from SQL like this:

    EXEC @DocID = PADS2.dbo.Document_Add @SystemCode...

    This returns correct DocID (2680914) when using a Temp Table like this:

    INSERT INTO @TempTable EXEC PADS2.dbo.Document_Add @SystemCode...
    set @sDocID = (SELECT DocID FROM @TempTable)

  2. I always say RTFM – read the fine manual provided by microsoft.

    1 - Example D shows how to use input parameters.
    2 - Example F show how to use output parameters.

    Just remember, input and output parameters are scalar, not tables.

    If you do need to input of a table look at Example G.

    3 - Example G - how to pass a table value parameter
    4 - Example B - return multiple result sets.

    If you execute two SELECT statements in the procedure, you will have MARS (multiple active result sets).

    By default, a procedure returns a value of zero. It is typical used to indicate if the procedure was a success. You can code a non zero value to indicate an error.

    Always read the docs!

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