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I am getting annoying output from VSCode Neovim. For example anytime I search in a file for a string and the pattern is not found, the Output opens with messages from Neovim:

enter image description here

I guess it might have something to do with me debugging Nvim problems a while back and perhaps turning these messages on, but I don’t remember where and how. I already:

  • checked my VSCode settings and nvim init file and can’t find any relevant settings there
  • set "vscode-neovim.neovimClean": true to disable Nvim plugins, even though I can’t see the plugins could be to blame

Any idea how to turn these Nvim messages off? I also don’t want to completely get rid of the vscode-neovim messages channel since I still need to know about errors if they happen, like when there is an init error.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    It seems people get this problem with Nvim 0.9 In my case, I had a Ubuntu PPA 0.10.0-dev distro, but the same problem. When I upgraded to using stable 0.10, this issue got resolved.

  2. What is the version of Neovim?
    The cmdheight=0 option added since v0.10 may help you.

    There is also a related issue:

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