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I have a simple struct containing three fields and a spaceship operator <=> as follows:

using MyStruct = struct MyStruct {
    unsigned id;
    std::filesystem::path sourcePath;
    std::string functionName;
    auto operator<=>(const MyStruct&) const = default;

The data is initialized as shown below:

std::vector<MyStruct> structs{
    {1, "c:/temp/file3.c", "chimp()"},
    {2, "c:/temp/file3.c", "ape()"},
    {3, "c:/temp/file1.c", "foo()"},
    {4, "c:/temp/file1.c", "bar()"},
    {5, "c:/temp/file1.c", "baz()"},
    {6, "c:/temp/sub/file3.c", "file3Fn2()"},
    {7, "c:/temp/sub/file3.c", "file3Fn1()"},
    {8, "c:/temp/file2.c", "file2Fn2()"},
    {9, "c:/temp/file2.c", "file2Fn3()"},
    {10, "c:/temp/file2.c", "file2Fn1()"},

I am trying to create a very simple sorted tree from the following 2 fields (sourcePath and functionName). I do not care about the id field.

In order to create the tree struct, I need to filter out the unique filenames and then add the function names as leaves to these filenames.

I would like to use the new c++20 ranges or ranges-v3 to to achieve this but I am having trouble piping the right ranges/views together. I need to break up the flattened data into 2 loops: an outer one containing filenames, and an inner one with the function names associated with each filename.

The tree I am after is:

    │   ├───foo()
    │   ├───foo()
    │   └───baz()
    │   ├───file2Fn1()
    │   ├───file2Fn2()
    │   └───file2Fn3()
    │   ├───ape()
    │   └───chimp()

This is the code (and results) I have so far (Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2)

#include <algorithm>
#include <format>
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>

using MyStruct = struct MyStruct {
    unsigned id;
    std::filesystem::path sourcePath;
    std::string functionName;
    auto operator<=>(const MyStruct&) const = default;

//! Template partial specialization for use with std::formatter
struct std::formatter<MyStruct> : std::formatter<std::string_view> {
    // parse inherited from std::formatter<std::string_view>
    template <typename FormatContext>
    auto format(const MyStruct& arg, FormatContext& ctx) {
        return formatter<string_view>::format(std::format(
            , arg.sourcePath.generic_string()
            , arg.functionName), ctx);

print(std::string_view intro, const std::vector<MyStruct>& container) {
    std::cout << intro << 'n';
    for (const auto& next : container) {
        std::cout << std::format("{}n", next);

std::vector<MyStruct> structs{
    {1, "c:/temp/file3.c", "chimp()"},
    {2, "c:/temp/file3.c", "ape()"},
    {3, "c:/temp/file1.c", "foo()"},
    {4, "c:/temp/file1.c", "bar()"},
    {5, "c:/temp/file1.c", "baz()"},
    {6, "c:/temp/sub/file3.c", "file3Fn2()"},
    {7, "c:/temp/sub/file3.c", "file3Fn1()"},
    {8, "c:/temp/file2.c", "file2Fn2()"},
    {9, "c:/temp/file2.c", "file2Fn3()"},
    {10, "c:/temp/file2.c", "file2Fn1()"},

// comparator used for unique
static const auto customComp = [](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) {
    return std::tie(lhs.sourcePath, lhs.functionName) <
        std::tie(rhs.sourcePath, rhs.functionName);

main() {

    auto copy = structs;
    std::ranges::sort(copy, {}, &MyStruct::sourcePath);
    print("after sorting by sourcePath", copy);
    std::ranges::sort(copy, customComp);
    print("after sorting by customComp", copy);

program output is as follows, note the order of the customComp comparator seems to produce the correctly ordered results.

after sorting by sourcePath
3       c:/temp/file1.c foo()
4       c:/temp/file1.c bar()
5       c:/temp/file1.c baz()
8       c:/temp/file2.c file2Fn2()
9       c:/temp/file2.c file2Fn3()
10      c:/temp/file2.c file2Fn1()
1       c:/temp/file3.c chimp()
2       c:/temp/file3.c ape()
6       c:/temp/sub/file3.c     file3Fn2()
7       c:/temp/sub/file3.c     file3Fn1()
after sorting by customComp
4       c:/temp/file1.c bar()
5       c:/temp/file1.c baz()
3       c:/temp/file1.c foo()
10      c:/temp/file2.c file2Fn1()
8       c:/temp/file2.c file2Fn2()
9       c:/temp/file2.c file2Fn3()
2       c:/temp/file3.c ape()
1       c:/temp/file3.c chimp()
7       c:/temp/sub/file3.c     file3Fn1()
6       c:/temp/sub/file3.c     file3Fn2()



  1. Your projection use is wrong, you sort them by path that way. Its purpose is to take an argument and return the basis for comparison, e.g. sorting by function name:

    std::ranges::sort(copy, {},  // same as &MyStruct::functionName
                      [](MyStruct& s) ->decltype(s.functionName)& {
                           return s.functionName;
                      } ); 

    Obviously, spaceship operator does not effect sort unless you use std::identity as a projection.

    You can use an std::tuple projection.

    std::ranges::sort( copy, {}, [](const MyStruct& s) { 
                            return std::tie(s.sourcePath, s.functionName); 
                       } );

    This would use default operator<=> for std::tuple, not for your class. Obviousy, if you don’t want this hassle with referencecopy issues the example above have and worrying about correct syntax of sort, you have to write a custom operator. In that case you can use a simpler version of sort function.

    For printing as a tree after sorting, the file path should be treated as a range (fs::path can be of use, for it has iterators over its lexical elements, or your own equivalent), which would add depth to the loop in print() function.

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  2. I am trying to create a very simple sorted tree from the following 2 fields (sourcePath and functionName). I do not care about the id field.

    In order to create the tree struct, I need to filter out the unique filenames and then add the function names as leaves to these filenames.

    I would like to use the new c++20 ranges or ranges-v3 to to achieve this but I am having trouble […]

    So then why are you trying to achieve this with ranges? What’s the point? From what I understand you want, a simple std::map would suffice:

    #include <vector>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <filesystem>
    #include <map>
    using MyStruct = struct MyStruct {
        unsigned id;
        std::filesystem::path sourcePath;
        std::string functionName;
        auto operator<=>(const MyStruct&) const = default;
    std::vector<MyStruct> structs{
        {1, "c:/temp/file3.c", "chimp()"},
        {2, "c:/temp/file3.c", "ape()"},
        {3, "c:/temp/file1.c", "foo()"},
        {4, "c:/temp/file1.c", "bar()"},
        {5, "c:/temp/file1.c", "baz()"},
        {6, "c:/temp/sub/file3.c", "file3Fn2()"},
        {7, "c:/temp/sub/file3.c", "file3Fn1()"},
        {8, "c:/temp/file2.c", "file2Fn2()"},
        {9, "c:/temp/file2.c", "file2Fn3()"},
        {10, "c:/temp/file2.c", "file2Fn1()"},
    using Map = std::map<std::filesystem::path, std::vector<std::string>>;
    main() {
        auto copy = structs;
        // sort by functionName
        std::ranges::sort(copy, std::less{}, [](auto const& s){ return s.functionName; });
        Map map;
        for (auto const& s : copy) {
        for (auto const& [file, functions] : map) {
            std::cout << file << ":t";
            int n{0};
            for (auto const& fun : functions) {
                std::cout << fun << (++n == functions.size()? "n" : ", ");


    c:/temp/file1.c:    bar(), baz(), foo()
    c:/temp/file2.c:    file2Fn1(), file2Fn2(), file2Fn3()
    c:/temp/file3.c:    ape(), chimp()
    c:/temp/sub/file3.c:    file3Fn1(), file3Fn2()

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