Does anyone know of a extensions / PDF viewer in VSCode such that it easily inverts or changes the color of the background (preferably only the background).
I know of the LaTeX Workshop setting but that for me is always quite a hustle to toggle.
I just want a simple toggling between my standard- and darkmode (which is not directly linked with a theme I use)
View the official documentation.
This from
is a simple PDF viewer for VSCODE and it has a settings to invert colors.enable invert mode from you settings.json file and add:
and for your LaTeX Workshop you can add custom CSS to invert the PDF viewer colors in
like belowor if you want to use keyboard shortcut you can use from File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
your available shortcut keys for ex:
and custom command in JSON as below:
hope this helps.
PDF Viewer Extension:
Dark Reader Extension (for full dark mode):
Alternative PDF Viewers: